Recent content by Darrin

  1. D

    Solefald Interviews?

    Jim or whoever else could answer this question: Which issue of LotFP might contain a 2003 interview from Solefald ("In Harmonia Universali") era? While I'm asking, which issue would have the "Pills Against the Ageless Ills"-era interview? I don't know why it took me so long (since I love...
  2. D

    Which band were you most impressed with?

    I loved every band I saw at PP, but I have to give the "Most Impressed Award" to Symphony X. I own all their cds and even gave them the occasional listen, but I did not go into that show as a real fan. However, I left the show completely converted having witnessed the godliness of Romeo...
  3. D


    Linda!!! What kind of name is that; Rottingflesh!? That's too funny - I would have never guessed it was you. It was incredibly awesome to meet you and see Troy again. Seriously, you guys look like you were made for each other. Way too cute to stomach! Saying goodbye sucked... and yes, the...
  4. D

    Ears and Earplugs

    I personally don't wear earplugs since I feel you lose a little something from the experience. I tried to, honestly, just before Edguy last year, but after a minute into the first song I opted to take them out and the sound was so much clearer... yes, loud as hell, but so much better without...
  5. D


    Doh, I forgot to mention another positive in my last post. (+) Ralf Walter under the influence of alcohol taking his own money and buying me a Pestilence CD. How fucking cool is that? I don't know how much he'd consumed at that time but it was extremely awesome either way. I just hope he...
  6. D

    ProgPower IV Review

    I also noticed most leave after Evergrey, which was totally a shame because Rage's performance was nothing short of *fucking monstrous* in every way. Unbelievable energy from just 3 guys and they played "Firestorm" which blew my mind! I've been waiting since 1996 to hear them play that song...
  7. D


    Wooooooo! Progpower was fucking brilliant and I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a week due to the excitement and horrible pains in my legs from bouncing around for 2 days. Yeehaw! And now for my short review of Progpower: Positives (+): + Seeing Troy my BROTHA and his lovely...
  8. D

    A quick little review I wrote for GWC

    You know, I recently discovered this album (3 1/2 months ago) and I agree wholeheartedly with everyone who praises this band. Vehemence literally changed my perception of how brutality and melody could be fused. I am addicted to GWC and must listen to it at least 3-4 times a week. It is by...
  9. D

    THE BERZERKER - Bassist leaves

    I get exhausted just listening to their music. I can definitely understand how wrecked the guy must be after playing it. Jesus. heh!
  10. D

    Metallica - St. Anger

    In my opinion, Metallica released some of the most important music in the history of metal as a result garnered a legion of fans. It's 2003 and you've seen how Metallica spent the 1990s. I honestly don't understand why their albums spark such controversy. For those who love the band, well...
  11. D

    Happy B-DAY to Darrin and Lindsey!!!!

    Awwww, thanks guys! I'm getting old, this sucks! :) -Darrin NP: King Crimson / Starless and Bible Black
  12. D

    The Promoter's Poll

    I admit at first I was disappointed since I only knew the power metal side of the roster and while I really enjoy Rage, their headlining at the festival didn't blow me away. Nightwish is fine, but again, not one of my favorite "power" acts. After having done some research, I now am more...
  13. D

    need help with pagan's mind, and Redemption

    You need Celestial Entrance for sure... it's a great combination of power and "prog". If they pull off half the shit they do on CE at Progpower you'll walk away a happy man, i'm sure. Check out the mp3s here and decide for yourself. I'm not the most knowledgable about prog, but I will say I...
  14. D

    The Death Machine guestbook is up!!!!!

    I was the FIRST! \m/
  15. D

    Who do you guys think will steal the show this year?

    I'm not sure who will steal the show, but I know my most anticipated band of PP4 is now Evergrey. Finally after years of hearing about the band and a few occasions of listening without anything clicking, I finally "get it" and now I must see them. -Darrin