Recent content by David N.

  1. D

    It's done....

    I'm guessing that one of the headliners is going to be LOST HORIZON. Just a feeling...
  2. D

  3. D


    Have you tried "Exploding Ned's"? They were at PP4, plus they're based in Atlanta. I just bought a really cool Sonata Arctica French Tour shirt from them at a record show in Greensboro, NC.
  4. D

    Two down...

    Sonata Arctica? Within Temptation?? I'll keep my fingers crossed...
  5. D

    Marc Brueland: RIP

    I was there as well. I didn't know what the details of his situation were at the time, but, regardless, I realized that it was a special moment for Marc. I feel fortunate to have been able to witness his dream come true. Rest in peace, bro.
  6. D

    pagan's mind!

    Same here...
  7. D

    Previous PP bands

    I keep seeing Pain Of Salvation mentioned quite a bit. I'm not familiar with their music but would like to check them out. Which album by them would be a good starting point?
  8. D

    Listening Suggestions?

    I'm always looking for new albums to check out, whether it's prog, power, death, or black metal. Has anybody heard anything recently that totally blew them away? If so, please post your suggestions!!!
  9. D

    Criss Oliva Memorial Concert 10/17

    You lucky bastard! Wish I could've been there...
  10. D

    Keep this bands in mind!!

    The reason I excluded The Gathering from my list is because I've already seen them (Milwaukee Metalfest '99), and NONE of the bands I named have ever played in the USA. This is just my opinion, but I'd much rather see a band that hasn't had the opportunity to play in the states as opposed to...
  11. D

    Keep this bands in mind!!

    Considering the fact that Nightwish put on such a spectacular performance at PP4, why not have at least one female-fronted band at PP5? Consider these: Within Temptation, After Forever, Edenbridge, Seraphim, or Epica. Just my 2 cents...
  12. D

    Which band were you most impressed with?

    Yeah, I guess we should give the guy an "A" for effort even though his sense of fashion is a bit questionable...
  13. D

    Sinphonia: Anybody heard this band?

    Speaking of female-fronted bands, does anybody else want to see Within Temptation at Progpower 5? I picked up their "Mother Earth Tour" DVD a few months ago and after watching that I want to see them even worse than before! Killer live band!
  14. D

    Sinphonia: Anybody heard this band?

    Yeah, that Epica CD is really killer! I've had that one for a while now. Have you heard Seraphim from Taiwan? They're kind of like a cross between Edenbridge and Nightwish. Interesting band...