Recent content by DMin42

  1. D

    Highlight of the show.....thanks Glen!

    Of all the various musicians I've rubbed elbows with in my life.....the coolest of the bunch was definitely at Progpower. Chris Salinas, Lance King and Zak Stevens in particular were very down to earth and cool to chat with. Luckily I can't say as I have ever talked with anyone who came across...
  2. D

    Perspective on the new roster

    I needed a solid week for my brain to completely proccess the awesomeness that was Progpower VIII. I am now ready to begin the slow build of anticipation for next year :rock::rock: This year's festival was very cool in that I was quite familiar with almost all of the bands. It was great...
  3. D

    Forum Members Poster for ProgPower VIII

    It's a Boa.......and we were on a bit of a rainforest excursion in St. Lucia. We spent 2 weeks there for our honeymoon and even if we're still paying for it 50 years from now I'll never regret it......definitely a little slice of paradise :-)
  4. D

    What's the one song that makes you cringe?

    Hands down the most cringe-worthy song I've had the misfortune of subjecting my ears to is Dontcha by the Pussycat Dolls.:Puke:
  5. D

    Forum Members Poster for ProgPower VIII

    Fun Fun!!! Of course putting together a whole poster full of faces with both a real name AND a forum name is likely more than my beleaguered brain can handle. Of course I'm not a hugely active member here so I can't say as i really know anyone well anyway. Luckily when you're chatting at the...
  6. D

    The Downloading Poll (at the behest of Management)

    I'm all for bands being able to make a living with their music. I buy a fair number of discs each year......usually more than I should at one certain festival in Atlanta. As much as I love the feeling of putting something new into my cd player and being blown away........I hate when that...
  7. D

    Mystery Show Ticket Link

    2 here.....was going to be there for kareoke anyway so it's a no-brainer :rock:
  8. D

    The Official What the Hell is Going On Wednesday Night?

    Not sure about who this mystery band might be......but the farting preacher was hysterical :lol:
  9. D

    PP USA VIII: Special Guest confirmed

    I've got 2 guesses. 1 tied to the word "stoked" and a certain bands prolific usage of said word :lol: or 2 involving a certain band with some pretty strong ties to the progpower scene that just happens to have a fairly new singer. hmmmmm no matter what it winds up being this is going...
  10. D

    Power/Prog songs that give you goosebumps..

    I can probably think of a few off the top of my head........nothing better than a song that REALLY hits you. Iced Earth - The Trilogy, A Question of Heaven Pain of Salvation - Inside Out Nevermore - Garden of Gray, The River Dragon Evergray - She Speaks to the Dead, A Touch of Blessing...
  11. D

    PP USA VIII: Special Guest confirmed

    This will be very cool provided Zak's microphone works this year :lol:
  12. D


    Hiya Matt, Definitely glad that you've made it back on the scene. I enjoyed Pyramaze quite a lot after being introduced to them at last year's Progpower. Lance seemed to be a very cool guy and can certainly wail with the best of them. However, now he's moved on and I can listen to him with...
  13. D

    Headbanger's Ball "I'm kind of shocked!"

    If you want some good old school stuff I always liked "The Human Factor". Early 90's release I maybe not QUITE old school heh.
  14. D


    It's possible that some future ProgPowers will manage to equal this year's.........but beat it? I find it hard to believe that that could happen! Even an Iced Earth/Pyramaze combo with the prerequisite "guest" vocals would need some serious backup from the rest of the show. Of course, Glenn...
  15. D

    Anybody know any clones of Evergrey or Mercenary?

    This thread has reminded me that I really wanted to check out A Lower Deep. I hadn't ever heard of your band before giving a listen to one of those kickass progpower sampler packs. I don't remember without going to look what the name of your song was on it but I do remember that I played it...