Recent content by Goober

  1. Goober

    Steven Wilson-Insurgents Limited Edition

    Puncture wounds reminds me a lot of The Cure's "A Forest" Anyone else notice the resemblance? No clue if it was intentional or not. Not saying its a bad thing at all, Its a great song!
  2. Goober

    Alterpeth - The Opeth Comic

    Yeah man, finish it up! The concept itself is pretty awesome. Cant wait to see the full thing (if there will even BE a full thing)
  3. Goober

    I really do think that Mike looks like Italian Spiderman.

    lol i see it. What a weird movie...
  4. Goober

    Heir Apparent

    Does Fred's solo remind anyone else of the Deadwing solo?
  5. Goober

    May 3 show in Oakland

    I'll be there :D
  6. Goober

    new bloodbath lineup

    Think this will make it easier to get the DVD out now that Mikael is an official member of BB?
  7. Goober


  8. Goober

    Mikael singing "Pull the Plug" [Death tribute]

    Didnt know he made one! I personally look forward to hearing it...IF someone can find it.
  9. Goober


    You know, I just wasnt that impressed by the PRS. Dont get me wrong, they are DAMN good, but maybe it was that my expectations were too high.
  10. Goober


    My main guitar is a Manne. Insanely good guitar. Handcrafted electric from Italy. Definately worth the 3 grand But since thats not on the list, i'll go for jackson, as i also own one of those.
  11. Goober

    Unfurl Cover live vid

    Found this on youtube, thought maybe some people might appreciate it. Band is called Shades of grey.
  12. Goober


    I think this is one troll that deserves to be fed :lol:
  13. Goober

    "Oh how I enjoy the light" tab?

    You guys have to realize that there are some people out there who do not have that special ear to tab certain songs out. Me included. I have tried and tried and TRIED to tab out Saw you drown by ear. That song has some really weird chords and i for one just cant pick out the notes in them. But O...
  14. Goober


    It was a nice try. lol.
  15. Goober

