Recent content by HalfpintHenkka

  1. HalfpintHenkka

    I Just

    cleaned my room.
  2. HalfpintHenkka

    word association

  3. HalfpintHenkka

    The Person Above Me Thread

    ^in an intelligent, semi-bitchy way :lol:
  4. HalfpintHenkka

    The Person Above Me Thread

    ^Dutch boy
  5. HalfpintHenkka

    Own Pictures Thread

    Since when did any sane human enjoy getting their ass pinched, and since when were you appointed to be my spokesman? There's a point when things cease to be even REMOTELY funny, and there's a point when people snap. And in my case, both have happened. I don't like it when people do stuff...
  6. HalfpintHenkka

    A question for Rhoaders

    or two months on take-out and fast food...:p actually scratch that, just buy a big bag of potatoes;)
  7. HalfpintHenkka

    A question for Rhoaders

    unless there's a bass out there shaped like a Rhoads a bass case won't help:)
  8. HalfpintHenkka

    Own Pictures Thread

    well yes lately i've been in a good mood. in my brother's words- an uncharacteriscally good mood, haha. but...pwease, no more cheek-pinching or cheek-patting. i'm not THAT little, lol:D...and just to help convince you:
  9. HalfpintHenkka

    I Just

    had some hot chocolate;) :D
  10. HalfpintHenkka

    word association

  11. HalfpintHenkka

    The Person Above Me Thread

    ^still hustling away
  12. HalfpintHenkka

    Own Pictures Thread

    *rubs her cheeks and gives you an indignant look* you're lucky i'm in a good mood:D:p
  13. HalfpintHenkka

    Own Pictures Thread

    ^standing in front of my "photo wall" ^anyone wanna play some volleyball?
  14. HalfpintHenkka

    The Person Above Me Thread

    ^likes shoes
  15. HalfpintHenkka

    The Person Above Me Thread

    ^up the irons! \m/>_<\m/