Recent content by hypk

  1. hypk

    Sermon - The Drift [FFO: Katatonia]

    I've noticed the debut album by Sermon has flown under the radar so I thought I'd share it here for any fans of Katatonia. Another one of their songs made it on the 2019 Progpower USA house music playlist, but The Drift is probably my favorite song off the album.
  2. hypk

    Top 50 of 2019

    I can't remember the last time there were so many quality releases in a year. You know it's an incredible year when my own list only contains a few in Glenn's list. Admittedly, my brand of metal has shifted drastically, but that just goes to show how much quality there is across the board...
  3. hypk

    Wilderun - Veil Of Imagination

    One of the best albums of the year. Waiting for the vinyl release.
  4. hypk

    Top 50 Albums of 2018

    That Ostura album is a monster. Definitely need to pick it up. Also going to pick up the Barren Earth album. I loved their first EP, but they kinda flew off my radar. Definitely need to revisit them. Album of the year for me is Boss Keloid's "Melted on the Inch". That first song is massive...
  5. hypk

    Top 50 Albums of 2018

    It didn't do much for me, so I'd be more surprised to see it on lists than off.
  6. hypk

    Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology

    I found myself liking that more than I thought I would. Nice find.
  7. hypk

    One off or two off CD that were brilliant

    I’ll go with: Indukti - Idmen Disillusion - Gloria I think Idmen and Gloria are both highly underrated. I almost feel Idmen was “ahead of its time” as it seems to fit better with music released the past few years. I think Gloria gets a bad reputation because it’s very different from Back To...
  8. hypk

    Top 50 of 2017

    Love reading these threads to find what I've been missing. That album by Elder is amazing!
  9. hypk

    Perfect Albums?

    I don't know if I'd consider these "perfect" albums, but they're definitely up there among my personal favorites. As far as "perfect" albums, I'd go with: Opeth - "Blackwater Park" Tool - "Lateralus" Metallica - "Master Of Puppets" Agalloch - "The Mantle" On the border would be: Isis - "Oceanic"
  10. hypk

    Anathema - The Optimist

    I think it's a solid album, but I'm not totally in love with it. The first single was exceptional, but the rest of the album is just good (except the first song; always skip that one).
  11. hypk

    LEPROUS: Malina

    I was hoping for something more along the lines of Bilateral, but times change and his voice is still one of the best. Count me in.
  12. hypk

    Anathema - The Optimist

    Slightly infuriating - No west coast dates. I've noticed this for some other tours as well. I guess it just doesn't make financial sense or something? In any case, I'm strongly considering making the trip from San Francisco to Chicago. A lucky coincidence that the top two tours of the year...
  13. hypk

    My Top 50 of 2016

    Never heard of Pervy Perkins until this post, but aside from the weirdness of it all, it's actually really really good! Definitely the best surprise from your list. I'm torn over the Fallujah "Dreamless" album. While I don't think it's a bad album, it doesn't offer anything new for me. The...
  14. hypk

    GOJIRA: Magma

    I agree. I know it's different from their previous stuff, but for whatever reason, it's the album I find myself going to more often than not.
  15. hypk

    Blindead: Polish Progressive / Post Metal

    I've really been enjoying the new Blindead album "Ascension." While I do prefer their older post metal albums, their newer progressive metal direction is still killer material. It's like a Riverside Katatonia-ish mashup. I figure the folks around here might enjoy it: