Recent content by Ihsahn1981

  1. I

    BENGEL IR's Kalthallen Cabs

  2. I

    What guitar tube preamp to buy

    Its good but its pretty much a one-trick pony I think. But if its the trick you're looking for then have at it!
  3. I

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Sweeet! I prefer them in white actually. Now what is that classical guitar in the background? The headstock looks very similar to my Admira guitar.
  4. I

    UAD plugins thread

    For me the ye olde UAD LA-3A is real cool. Use it alot on drums and guitars. The 4k plugins I also use quite a bit.
  5. I

    Your best and worst gear purchases

    Best: Avedis MA5 (the only preamp I feel I ever need) Pete's Place BAC500 compressor (tracking vocals through this makes almost any vocalist shine) Great River 32c eq (turn knobs and everything sounds better) Ampeg SVP-BSP basspreamp (THAT bass guitar sound) Urei 530 eq (Michael Wagener's much...
  6. I

    How Devin holds SM7B

    He did say that he used those takes but thats not how he usually records his vocals..
  7. I

    soundradix plugins

    Auto-Align is cool. Try it on multi-mic'ed cabs for good fun :)
  8. I

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

  9. I

    About to buy a Fireface UCX

    The day you run out of i/o you will wish you got the UFX instead :) If you can spring it, get the remote for it too. Unless you already got a good monitor controller that is.
  10. I

    API, Neve, or other style of preamp for recording guitars and screams? Also interface

    Second the Avedis MA5. It gets alot more use than my API 512c's.
  11. I

    Keyboard/vst for 7 Horns 7 Eyes, Dimmu/Emperor type sounds?

    Early Emperor was this one I think: Charmand Grimloch used the Ensoniq TS-12 when he played live with them on the IX Equilibrium tour. Dimmu use the Korg X5D alot, especially on EDT. For SBD they also used the Korg Trinity. If you need these...
  12. I

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Woh! How much did that RNP mixer set you back?
  13. I

    Looking for a sound sample library I used these guys for sfx on my last album. Worked out very well! ;)
  14. I

    Really need help with acoustic treatment !

    This a huge and quite complex subject. Two years ago I was really into this and I read alot about it. I cant fit any more treatment into my small room now but it was good fun. The Studio building / acoustics forum on Gearslutz is a good source for information but its hidden within loong threads...