Recent content by Innipunn

  1. Innipunn

    Something Borknagar said

    So Vintersorg is consistently singing whiny to make the album less commercial?
  2. Innipunn

    Best Borknagar Vocalist

    Garm! Allthough It´s a tough call beetween him and Vortex.
  3. Innipunn

    Arcturus - Sideshow Symphonies

    It's a great album, but it's not Arcturus anymore. The mystiscism/surrealism is somehow gone. Just not as deep as it used to be. Even so, the space-pirate-thing is really cool. Yarr!
  4. Innipunn

    Origin review

    Yup, but his timbre is so unique that it won't fit in everywhere, as with Origin. In Waterclime it was great, and the same goes for Vintesorg and the two other Borknagar-albums. All in all nothing beats his compatability with Otyg's sound, that's where he fitted the most in my opinion :)
  5. Innipunn


    Sideshow Symphonies is a great album, but it's not Arcturus anymore. Maybe because of Garm's departure. The mystical surrealistic aspect wich used to define their sound is somewhat gone. But then again the space-pirate-sound is a good replacement =)
  6. Innipunn

    Origin review

    Wonder what happened to Vintersorg, he used to be a gifted vocalist, but on this record he sounds like a whining calf. So much good music wasted, even my good old recorder-idol brought with them, but all in vain. Sigh. I think Borknagar should find a new vocalist, it seems Vintersorg does his...
  7. Innipunn

    I.C.S Vortex / Simen Hestnæs

    It was like that for me over a great period of time. I moved on and listened to other things, but they always come crawling back.
  8. Innipunn

    I.C.S Vortex / Simen Hestnæs

    :rock: Cool! Speaking of... Im listening to Quintessence as we speak, it's been a long time since I last put it on now. Mmmm, good memories. Obviously I don't grow tired of Borknagar anyways.
  9. Innipunn

    I.C.S Vortex / Simen Hestnæs

    Totally agree! Borknagar sounds much too similar to Vintersorg these days. It's kind of lost it's "norwegian" sound to it. Even so, I enjoy the two latest albums, it's just that the sound has become more synthetic and thus more boring.
  10. Innipunn

    how old were u?

    14 i suppose.
  11. Innipunn

    german bands

    Ugh! Einherjer is Norwegian! On topic: Falkenbach, Empyrium, Adorned Brood, Destruction, Sodom, Equilibrium.
  12. Innipunn

    where do you live?

    I live in Trondheim, Norway. Added some landmarks and stuff too.
  13. Innipunn

    Borknagar song titles game

    Relate (Dialogue)?
  14. Innipunn

    Borknagar song titles game

  15. Innipunn

    Borknagar song titles game

    The Genuine Pulse?