Recent content by johnzorn

  1. johnzorn

    tips/tricks for improving our drum tracks?

    Ahhh, good ol' Derrek Rodday, that mofo is tight. As with doing blast beats in DFHS, I don't have a problem with the snare lacking attacking. I use one of the Ludwig snares (forget which one off the top of my head), or I use the 50/50 sample from Drumagog.
  2. johnzorn

    External Amplifier EQ's

    Hahahah, yeah. Right after I posted it I realized it was a pretty open ended quesiton. Thanks for the advice though.
  3. johnzorn

    External Amplifier EQ's

    This might have been covered sometime eons ago, but since the search function isn't working yet, I might to have to repeat a question already answered, so sorry in advance. I'm currently looking for an external EQ for use with my preamp (old school Rocktron Pro Gap). I curious as to what you...
  4. johnzorn

    OT: What those who do not know fear

    So today I took my Charvel Model 6 into the local, trusty music store to get it tune to B (the dude who sets up guitars is an awesome guy and has done good work for me so far, though he's never had to set my guitar up to B yet). The dude who was behind the desk at the time (not the dude who...
  5. johnzorn

    Amplitube 2

    *taps finger on nose*.......I believe your catching on. Must like porn, still doesn't mean I won't give it a try *l*:muahaha:
  6. johnzorn

    Amplitube 2

    Camel Toe!!!!!! .......just kidding. Still not sure what to think of it. Might be better if they had a demo to download, but it looks like that is unavailable as of yet. Amp modeling is the new porn.
  7. johnzorn

    Snare replacement question

    I know we all talk about getting that metal "boom boom clicky" sound (and Andy's new samples are pimp as shit for that), but I have a question about the snare replacement. I'm very content with doing the 50/50 blend to give a nice, thick "pop", but do you guys just replace the top of the snare...
  8. johnzorn

    drum samples as promised

    Sweeeeeet Tits! Can't wait to get the "kick" and "snare" sample into Drumagog and go buck wild! Thanks a metric ton.
  9. johnzorn

    Things I learned on while I was home this weekend

    1. I didn't know ESP guitar had advertisements on TV. Showing various metal/metalcore bands that rock their brand name. 2. The new Opeth video was very abridged and was that Gene Hoglan on drums?(this is probably old news). 3. The new Cephalic Carnage video is damn good and funny at the...
  10. johnzorn

    New Soulfly

    I have to say the new Soulfy album has surprised me. I went in thinking it was gonna be a rehash of things said and done before, just probably lower and more groove layed out. But to my surprise there's some speed, dynamics and good riffage. Also Marc Rizzo has done a 180 to me. I didn't...
  11. johnzorn

    Ya'll seen this yet?

    The site is friggin' addictiong. I never thought somebody would take shred guitar, make it half game half lesson and actually make it fun. Its like something I would think up if I had the shred skills and the computer skills. Rock.
  12. johnzorn

    Byzantine "And They Shall Take Up Serpants"

    Listening to the new Byzantine and coming to the conclusion that both Chris Ojeda and Tony Rohrbough got some chops on them. A little bit of the Allan Holdsworth thing, with some shred and taste and mix pretty damned well. Though the clean singing seems a bit strained at times, still sits...
  13. johnzorn

    Pantera tone thru the years

    I'm sure he meant "Was living proof" *l* Plus I too would like to see how the rest of the band was EQ's with Dime's tone. Rex's bass sure did carry a good amount of the low end.
  14. johnzorn

    Pantera tone thru the years

    Upon going thru my Pantera albums, the Dimebags Randall tone is kind of like a nice sweet and sour soup. Its got that touch of pierecing high end mixed with a tight low end that brings out the crunch. Then he busts into a solo and makes the tone just break up and scream. Just shows how much...
  15. johnzorn

    Guitar rig presets

    enlore04- Good tones too Yeah, sharing some presets banks or anything work rock. This forum is great for the sharing of tones from the Pod's to the Guitar Rigs and to just about anything else. I recently had to sell my Pod XT, but I might just get something different in the future. I still...