Recent content by Lina

  1. Lina

    Since there is no forum for it...

  2. Lina

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Funny on multiple levels!
  3. Lina

    The new pic thread

    Aww, Jolty, I love the pup! Is he yours?
  4. Lina

    Gothenburg and assorted adventures in Europe

    I'm heading north(east) this summer too -- for 3 weeks in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Also crossing my fingers about those pesky volcanoes. Sadly, no Gothenburg for me, only Stockholm this time.
  5. Lina

    Political discussions and other rants about useless things like culture

    I work in the Capitol and had to go in this past weekend, and the protestors were just filled with so much hate. They were completely misinformed about the health-care bill, and I'm guessing 95% of them would benefit from it. But it hardly mattered, because it was just a proxy for their rage...
  6. Lina

    US Tour-Not? Yes?

    Haha, way to tie it all together there at the end, Mad Poet.
  7. Lina

    US Tour-Not? Yes?

    Totally derailing the thread,'re right on this one too. I work at the Capitol, and I only know one safe route in and out of that neighborhood, so I'd be screwed if it were ever shut down. Most of Takoma Park is actually really nice. The only part that isn't is the part that abuts...
  8. Lina

    US Tour-Not? Yes?

    Yes, that's good news. Plintus, Baltimore is a strange place, I agree with you. That's not to say there wasn't some "user error" involved in your debacle, but you do have to be on your toes. There aren't clear bad sections of town. It's one block good, one block bad, one block good, one...
  9. Lina

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Holy crapola.
  10. Lina

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    RampageSword, did you jump on the 26th? I didn't get to because of wind, but it's rescheduled for Aug 30.
  11. Lina


  12. Lina

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Wow, what a coincidence! Yes and no. I was 18 and my college dorm organized it. It was a static-line jump from 5,000 feet with no freefall, the parachute just opens automatically (which is what I wanted -- I wanted to float, not fall), but it was solo, not tandem. We had to go through...
  13. Lina

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    I'll be doing my second skydive on July 26! And I'll be sharing a beach house in the Outerbanks (North Carolina) with some friends in August. So our summers are shaping up similarly. :)
  14. Lina

    Anyone still here from the old days?

    I was the mod of the Seriously Off-Topic board that evolved (the wrong word for it, really) out of the Opeth board.
  15. Lina

    New Mikael's blog post

    Porcupine Tree and Opeth already toured together.