Recent content by Loona

  1. Loona

    'Duncan leaves Antimatter' official quote

    *sits there rather disappointed...* :cry: man I did not think I will get back to see such news... there go the chance of seeing you live. but okay, being sad does not make any changes, so good luck as the others said, I'm waiting to hear what's next :p
  2. Loona

    Pink Floyd ReUnite

    wow I would be in for such an event, seems interesting. still I have doubts about wherether I want them to reunite or not...
  3. Loona

    I've heard the new Antimatter...

    damn is there anything like this? :OMG: I would definitely get angry in such a situation (and guess i'm not alone...) still lucky ones you are, I guess I will have to wait as usual for the record store guys here to notice there's a band called Antimatter...
  4. Loona

    I N R I

    why does this pic show up all the time? the way DH smiles scares me to death if I stare at it :erk:
  5. Loona

    DCD next week!!

    huh... didn't they split up? honestly... did I miss something? sounds interesting :)
  6. Loona


    yup. I was thinking the same when my friends showed me that site... I saw some shirt (actually they showed me that, too) at some fan site with a pic on it, saying "korn gave head to god" <- :erk: ... :lol:
  7. Loona

    what have you been doing today?

    today nothing yet. I slept at night what is rather strange, seeing what I did in the last couple of days. 3 concert in 3 days, and apparently the 4th day also turned out that "interesting" that I happened to come home around 4AM. Huh, all in all it was quite tiring, but I liked it :)
  8. Loona


    yup. I guess the nu-metal thingy had various names before this actual one. I also remember some magazines calling them rap-rock :lol: about the topic, a very good friend of mine is now totally depressed about the fact. but yeah, I may do the same once it happens to my fav band, hope it won't...
  9. Loona

    Which country are you?

    You're Lebanon! Your room's a mess. Your house is a mess. Heck, your life is a mess. It all used to be really beautiful, and someone even compared you to Paris once, but that's all been replaced with heartache and struggle. You're small, have been influenced by outsiders for too long, and...
  10. Loona

    Have you ever...

    03. yup (okay, we don't really have mountains here...) 11. it's always the next Sziget festival for me where I will do it :grin: 15. sure, it's on the Divinity maxi of Amorphis 18. we had to, in primary school 20. yup :) I have slept in several funny places so far I guess... 21. yeesyes, I...
  11. Loona

    Thinking of buying a fur coat?

    difference between the gender of the ones looking at the picture can lead to such differences in viewpoint ;)
  12. Loona

    Thinking of buying a fur coat?

    I didn't watch the video, but now, having read what's it about I'm glad I didn't. Originally the problem was a missing plugin, but now I won't install it... there are things I just don't ever want to see...
  13. Loona

    tours you should check out

    wow, thanks for the link, I saw some video of them a couple of months ago but that time I didn't find anything about them, and than forgot to dig deeper. thanks :p
  14. Loona

    tours you should check out

  15. Loona

    what have you been doing today?

    hi there! I just thought I'd drop a line to show some sign of life :wave: glad to see everyone's here :) I didn't really think of coming here, but somehow I found my way :) not to be off-topic: didn't really do anything special today, but the past 2 weeks were much more special. Thankfully I...