Recent content by MinervaPhoto

  1. MinervaPhoto

    ProgPower USA XII Picture Thread

    I can't seem to find where the corset pictures were posted :(((
  2. MinervaPhoto

    ProgPower USA XII Picture Thread

    ^ tis why I didn't go into the pit. I shot from the corners and the stairs. The pit was mega full this year.
  3. MinervaPhoto

    Crazy Metal Chicks from Japan!

    :hypno: :hypno: :hypno: :OMG: :OMG: :OMG:
  4. MinervaPhoto

    Progpower XIII on Spotify

    Thank you berry much sir :) much appreciated.
  5. MinervaPhoto

    Thank You From Voyager!

    WE LOVE YOU!!! Come back soon!! When I hit the lottery I promise to get you all timeshare in the states.
  6. MinervaPhoto

    ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

    yoikes! sorry about that. :zombie:
  7. MinervaPhoto

    ProgPower Flu Thread - Who's got it?!

    HOW TO AVOID THE PROGPOWER FLU (after getting it 3 years in a row, I learned this simple trick the year before last and have been successful ever since): -Take 1500mg of vitamin C every day for two weeks prior to the event. Spread out each 500mg tablet throughout the day (nature made chewable...
  8. MinervaPhoto

    ProgPower USA XII Picture Thread

    What I REALLY want to see is the pictures from the guy who had the cone on his flash, blinding the entire left side of the venue. Can't freakin' wait.
  9. MinervaPhoto

    Vote for my Helloween picture

    Thank you compurocker =))) I think so too, haha! But I guess it's because I'm fond of the subject matter.
  10. MinervaPhoto

    Vote for my Helloween picture

    I think it takes a little bit to update because now I have 70+ votes and in 3rd place! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH I knew I could count on you!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3!!!!!! If you can, tweet and/or facebook the link :)
  11. MinervaPhoto

    Vote for my Helloween picture

    Anyone remember one of the most awesome shows ever to play at Center Stage? Yeah, I'm talking about the Helloween/Gamma Ray concert :P Well, I have entered one of the images that I took of the lead vocalist of Helloween in a contest (first one I have ever entered) and I would be very...
  12. MinervaPhoto

    More Pop Powermetalised

    :OMG: wow I actually like this one the most!! :Spin::Spin::Spin:
  13. MinervaPhoto

    From France...

    the link isn't working for me :(
  14. MinervaPhoto

    Camera Policy Announcement

    I'll look for you!!!!:goggly: I'm the one with the red hair and more cameras around her neck to know what to do with :lol: