Recent content by P-roggy

  1. P

    Top 5 live performances from this weekend?

    I was there on saturday and the favourite show for me was easily Cloudscapes. They got the crowd going and did a great show and they have great stage presence. I also enjoyed Pain of salvation and Dead soul tribe. The rest of the bands didn't appeal to me very much. What I don't understand is...
  2. P

    Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force- Perpetual Flame (W/ Tim "Ripper" Owens)

    All albums Yngwie released up til "Facing the animal" was top notch more or less. From "Alchemy" uptil now the production has been poor. But, I must say that "Perpetual flame" has the best production together with "Attack" by judging the albums he has released after "Alchemy". If you compare...
  3. P

    Best Deris-era HELLOWEEN Album?

    Couldn't agree more. In fact, I think this is their best album by all.
  4. P

    Mercenary - The New Disc

    The new album reminds of "The hours that remain" and there are equally much vocals and growls as on THTR. After the first spin I thought it was "almost" as good as the previous one but, after several spins I think it's better than THTR and so far it is the album of the year for me together with...
  5. P

    Timo Tolkki's SAANA trailer online, peace with Frontiers Records

    I think everything was a "business scam" planned by Timo and Frontiers in order to get more attention about the album release. When things like this happens people get really curious. I'm sure there never was any problems at all....just a way to get recognition about the forthcoming release...
  6. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    Obviously not. You stick to your opinion and I'll stick with mine. I so much would love to give you proof but, for several serious reasons I can't and because of that I may look silly. I just thought music lovers in this forum knew more from a band and independent labels point of view....well...
  7. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    This is the wrong forum to discuss this obviously since here are so many people with "knowledge" about this subject here. I am sure (atleast hope) that 95% of the users here in this forum buys their albums that they like but, what I'm trying to say is that most of the downloaders don''t buy the...
  8. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    You are summing up exactly what I've been trying to say. You are 120% right and that's a fact....a horrible fact!!
  9. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    Done some research? Google…that's what have made you so sure of your optimism for illegal downloading? Oh my… Please contact a few bands instead and ask them to explain what is happening instead since they are the ones "living it"…and why downloading is hurting more than helping…
  10. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    How come You know so much about this? Are you in the music a band maybe...? You seem to know very much how "good" downloading is for bands... I don't wanna argue for the sake of arguing...I just wanted to let people know that downloading isn't any good for bands that ain't as big as...
  11. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    But as I wrote earlier...if everyone "bought" the albums they like then I guess things would be better but, the problem is that the majority of people don't "buy" albums anymore even if they like the albums they download. Most of you in this forum buys the albums you like I'm sure but, the...
  12. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    I'm definietly not a prophet but, I just know things since I'm involved in it and sees the "whole" deal of it and not just "a part of it".
  13. P

    GENE SIMMONS of KISS: "The record industry is dead."

    Congrats to Universal Music group then, ....I wonder what bands they are working with... Nonetheless i agree what you say about the "Kiss brand". I rest my case in this discussion since it's pointless to continue will learn eventually...remember, I am talking about labels that...