Recent content by professorlamp

  1. professorlamp

    Skate punk from the UK

    Hey guys! We (Bogans) have just put out our first 6-track EP. You can take a listen on our bandcamp: I'd love to know what you think! Thanks again! Joe
  2. professorlamp

    More natural punk rock (100% real drums)

    Hey everyone I've been working on this mix of my band for a while and my ears are at the point where I think I'm making things worse. Any outside ears would be mega appreciated and please, be harsh with your crits! Here's the link...
  3. professorlamp

    100% natural punk rock (need fresh ears)

    I'll recheck the overheads there was a gate, maybe slightly too far on the threshold. As for the toms, the recording setup was er.... less than ideal, we used a kick, snare and mono overhead for the entire thing. Thanks though!
  4. professorlamp

    100% natural punk rock (need fresh ears)

    Hey everyone! Long time no see (like 5 years... D:), I haven't mixed in a while so thought I'd throw this out here to a fresh pair of ears. Be as harsh as you can, I can take it...hehe Thanks guys
  5. professorlamp

    HAHAHAHA Blast from The Past

    Some people ey...
  6. professorlamp

    HAHAHAHA Blast from The Past

    ahhhh yeah! That's the one
  7. professorlamp

    HAHAHAHA Blast from The Past

    That is a blast from the past. Back in the day of that feud about the 'real' drums that were obviously programmed. It's been a looooong time
  8. professorlamp

    Your random annoyance of the day

    My internet is slow as fuuuuuuck, trying to download Baldurs Gate 2 is an uber ball-ache
  9. professorlamp

    Your random joy of the day

    I've just discovered Minecraft, Holy shit.
  10. professorlamp

    Vacuum tubes "How it's made" video

    It must feel REEEEEEALLY good to finish making one of those :lol: I'm quite surprised at the amount of work that goes into it, nice video!
  11. professorlamp

    Your random annoyance of the day

    I saw a rare(ish) board game go for really cheap. The only reason I didn't win was because I was at home :(
  12. professorlamp

    Your random joy of the day

    I've finished university forever :D
  13. professorlamp


    I do breathing exercises nearly every day, (in through your nose hold it for 5 seconds and then breathe out your mouth, that sort of thing) It usually helps me nail a take
  14. professorlamp

    ITT : Inspirational musicianship videos

    yJYLfBMPuic I always listen to this guy when I'm not practicing enough
  15. professorlamp

    Your random annoyance of the day

    Got a new hobby, feels horrible to not have a clue what I'm doing or what to buy