Recent content by steeltormentor

  1. steeltormentor

    ProgPower USA XVI Festival T-Shirt UPDATED 8/10/15

    I love that Wednesday and Thursday nights' bands are represented. Killer design!
  2. steeltormentor

    Anathema: I'm thrilled beyond words...

    90 minutes in and I already love it. Beautiful and haunting. Not metal at all and I couldn't give less of a shit. Will there be strings next year?
  3. steeltormentor

    Anathema: I'm thrilled beyond words...

    Had the same idea. :)
  4. steeltormentor

    ProgPower USA XV Photo Thread

    Here are my albums. My first year with a decent camera and I think I took some pretty awesome photos. Jon Oliva's Pain MasterPlan...
  5. steeltormentor

    ProgPower USA XV Official Setlist Thread

    Anyone catch Vangough, Need, and Divided Multitude's setlists?
  6. steeltormentor

    ProgPower USA's YouTube Channel

    My pleasure as always. Please see my most recent comment from last year. Same things apply.
  7. steeltormentor

    A Midweek Mayhem THANK YOU!

    Always happy to help. You did an awesome job. Can't wait for next year's lineup announcement. Chris
  8. steeltormentor

    Angra introduces new drummer - video

    Couldn't disagree more. I thought the new blu-ray/DVD with Fabio was outstanding. I'll admit I was skeptical when I heard Fabio would be joining the band but that DVD put all of my doubts to rest. If anything, it made me feel like for the first time in a long time, Angra was back on the map.
  9. steeltormentor


    Could not have said it any better myself.
  10. steeltormentor

    Official ProgPower USA XIV setlist thread

    Still trying to find the Damnation Angels setlist to complete my list. Any help would be greatly appreciated!