Recent content by timislegend

  1. timislegend

    Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

    game: the last of us rating: diamond
  2. timislegend

    Youtube is glorious

  3. timislegend

    R.I.P Jeff Hannemann

    ugh! :( so sad... rip jeff.
  4. timislegend

    We need to resurrect the titty threads...

    *Billy Madison
  5. timislegend

    What are you listening to now?

    mumford & sons atoms for peace vietnam the lions cloudkicker
  6. timislegend

    What programs are you hooked on?

    just got onto season 2 - game of thrones
  7. timislegend

    2013 Next Gen consoles
  8. timislegend

    Huge Meteor Blazes Across Sky Over Russia; Sonic Boom Shatters Windows not trying to sound like a jerk, but... let's have another one, ya? fascinating!
  9. timislegend

    Motherfuckin RAP thread up in here!

    royce da 5'9" big L talib kweli crooked i pharoahe monch mos def de la soul there are a lot of great artists out there, these are just the one's i can honestly say i've listened to their entire album.
  10. timislegend

    Another clothing thread

    with the exception of all my band tees (i've collected)... all of my clothes are jcrew. without trying to sound like an utter preppy spokesperson for jcrew. i've worn their clothes since i was a kid and i have never worn a better denim or pair of slacks. but mostly because they don't visibly...
  11. timislegend

    Fucking dumb people

  12. timislegend

    Fucking dumb people

    so... people with assertive opinions are dumb? well... that's a mighty assertive opinion. ;)
  13. timislegend

    Fucking dumb people

    well... if it's their opinion, isn't it the right one?
  14. timislegend

    Fucking dumb people

    awkwarrrrrd... :blush: :lol: