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    John Arch's new MP3

    For anyone that likes John Arch his new MP3 is available for d/l here.
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    Music, beer, and...

    *FOOD* Yes! It looks like the kitchen is open this year!
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    Hey bossman, any insight as to any merchandise, ie PPIV shirts?:) And for the record, the only band I'm familiar with is Nightwish and Zak's voice ala Savatage but I'm still going just because I heard some great music last year that I was unfamiliar with and for the good times and good people.:rock:
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    Great loss-my condolences

    It's been said that music bridges the generations, countrys, politics and government; this being evident at the last Prog Power as people from all over the world from all backgrounds joined for one weekend to enjoy the music. My enthusiam for music is just as strong as my interest in history...
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    New BG tour dates

    For anyone that cares, Blind Guardian has posted new North American tour dates on their website.