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  1. W

    whats your ideal nevermore set?

    I'm curious. make it about 10 songs. off the top of my head i'd say something like... Beyond Within Lost Engines of Hate Enemies of Reality Create the Infinite River Dragon Poison Godmachine I, Voyager Next In Line Seven Tongues of God
  2. W

    there is no stronger drug than reality

    If there's just one word to describe how this album sounds to me it's… perfect. I may not be a fan who has been closely following the band from the very beginning, or one of the dedicated few who have been around since the Sanctuary days, but nevertheless I feel 15 was a pretty respectable age...
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    does anyone know where the restroom is?
  5. W

    In Flames - Reroute to Remain

    I'm still shocked by all the shit-talking that goes on about this album. well, here its been a few weeks now.... is this growing on any of you!!? I've probably listened to this album lately more than any other. I was very hesitant about is at first, I wish I would have heard it before I read...
  6. W

    Corrosion of Conformity - America's Volume Dealer

    did anyone else get into this album? I was really into Deliverance and especially into Wiseblood. now i've got most the new one downloaded and I gotta say, I love it. maybe three or four songs stand out above all else. gotta love Pepper's lyrics.
  7. W

    Great Ballad

    In Flames - Metaphor this one's really grown on me.
  8. W

    New In Flames is weak??

    A lot of people have been trashing this album. I don't know, I heard a few songs off it and it wasn't bad at all!! I always expect a band to take on a different sound with each new album and I was pleasantly surprised to hear how well this one turned out. ...despite the shit reviews. I'll wait...
  9. W

    it all makes sense

    clue #1 clue #2 clue #3
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    dissolve into the grey

    Ego - The False Center "We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men." -George Orwell
  11. W

    Ellefson, Degrasso, Pitrelli and Friedman have found their vocalist!!

    ex-megamen announced today that they have finally decided on a frontman for their new project.... Axel Foley of the Detroit Police Department
  12. W

    rebirth, watts

    I especially like these ones... Alan Watts on Zen
  13. W

    guess what...

    if the earth completely disappeared except for its nematodes you could still see the outlines of the continents if you were standing on the moon.
  14. W

    numchuck for president!!

    numchuck is the coolest!!
  15. W

    Helstar/Destiny's End

    HELSTAR - A Distant Thunder HELSTAR - Nosferatu DESTINY'S END - Breathe Deep the Dark DESTINY'S END - Transition some of the greatest fucking music ever recorded.
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    greetings from planet earth

  17. W

    Tiamat - A Deeper Kind of Slumber

    one of the most genius recordings this side of the galaxy...
  18. W

    A name for you all....

    Greg Egan.