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  1. professorlamp

    Skate punk from the UK

    Hey guys! We (Bogans) have just put out our first 6-track EP. You can take a listen on our bandcamp: I'd love to know what you think! Thanks again! Joe
  2. professorlamp

    More natural punk rock (100% real drums)

    Hey everyone I've been working on this mix of my band for a while and my ears are at the point where I think I'm making things worse. Any outside ears would be mega appreciated and please, be harsh with your crits! Here's the link...
  3. professorlamp

    100% natural punk rock (need fresh ears)

    Hey everyone! Long time no see (like 5 years... D:), I haven't mixed in a while so thought I'd throw this out here to a fresh pair of ears. Be as harsh as you can, I can take it...hehe Thanks guys
  4. professorlamp

    I wouldn't usually post a video of my playing...

    But this took me fucking weeks of practicing and I'm glad its over :lol: Thought I'd share it because its my best playing to date probably. Relieved. Don't hate on the jumper <3
  5. professorlamp

    Caine's Arcade (a happy tear jerker video)

    Seriously, makes me feel so good :D
  6. professorlamp

    Piano + Vocal , opera type thing (OMFG REAL PIANO)

    Another unusual one for the forum but meh... I feel the vocals get buried at points but I'm not sure, need some extra ears. Cheers you guize
  7. professorlamp

    Oktavamod Mics?

    I saw the Ocktavamod mics being mentioned in another thread and decided to check it out, the prices are pretty good considering the performance (there's some sound clips on the site) The microphone I was thinking of getting is going to be mainly for acoustic guitar, nylon and steel string. It...
  8. professorlamp

    That software that darkens your screen respective of the time?

    What was it called? I get headaches from the brightnes of my monitor at night but in the day I can barely see it. Pain in the ass to adjust it everyday :bah:
  9. professorlamp

    Acoustic Jazz recording

    'Sup dewdss, did a recording a few days ago, me and my old guitar teacher. Me on steel string and him on nylon, everything has been left live, and was tracked live aswell so there are external noises but I'd like to know what you guys think. Obviously its not everyones cup of tea but meh we'll...
  10. professorlamp

    Tascam interfaces?

    I need something cheap but reliable with a modest (4-6) amount of inputs just for some location recordings. The tascam ones seem to fit the bill perfectly but are there any others that're decent and easy on the wallet? Needs usb for the laptop, phantom power and 4 or more inputs Cheers :)
  11. professorlamp

    This guy has mastered string bending...

  12. professorlamp

    Orange tiny terror mids

    So, I don't know why I'm only just noticing this now but I seem to be getting the honkiest tone (or atleast I think I am) out of my amp. Typically I dial the tone knob at around 12, not too bright/bassy, put on some headphones and find a good mic position but when I finally get to putting it...
  13. professorlamp

    At the drive-in have reformed!

  14. professorlamp

    Yo guys, started a music theory blog.

    True story. Mostly gonna be advanced stuff once I get the groove going, for now I thought I'd gauge people with the simple and more universally interesting stuff :D ^^^CLICK IT^^^ Tell me of any errors/typos if you spot any too please. p.s. You're probably...
  15. professorlamp

    Help: Cubase piano roll is barely visible

    So for some reason, I started up cubase today just to quickly jot down some drums and I couldn't see ANY of the subdivisions. The whole thing is just eye straining and time consuming. Here's what one should look like; And here's what mine looks like; I've not changed anything...
  16. professorlamp

    Soo...Christmas time, who's getting what?

    Not much in the audio domain for me, an orange 1x12 to replace the 4x12 I sold and a few books choo guize?
  17. professorlamp

    New metallica for those interested

    aZBZS4x9lts mehhh Can really hear him straining for those high notes
  18. professorlamp

    Little condenser mic shootout

    At4040 Samson C03 T-Bone sc400 JyNtZxGf9Dw&list=UUNkRYgDedEYO-eoA_zG7jww&feature=plcp AT4040 has a lot of information maybe too much highs Samson sounds too bassy and for some reason phasey (?) T-bone sounds like the samson but with less bass All my opinions, what do you guys reckon?
  19. professorlamp

    PSP Christmas deal, Buy one get one free

    I shit you not Of equal or lesser value :D!
  20. professorlamp

    Can YOU crack it?

    I can't :(