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  1. G

    What would you purchase?

    marshall mr1960 - don´t know which model + Rode nt2000 OR ORANGE PPC412HP-8 OR Brauner Phantom Classic or Neumann TLM 103 What would you get if you had the money ready to be spent?
  2. G

    Opinions needed, complete band/ death metal what do you think?
  3. G

    Mix/Master opinions welcome - brutal death metal inside;)

    please delete
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    Drumagog 5 Problem

    I am trying to trigger a midi sequence which is the bassdrum to the project. I´m running it through EZ Drummer and try to trigger it with Drumagog 5 as a VST Plugin. It doesn´t really work good though. Tons of failtriggers. What could be the problem and foremostly can I somehow plug Drumagog...
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    Soundforge Mastering Tutorial

    Anybody know where I can get a good tutorial for mastering with soundforge? I´ve never worked with a mastering software before but I am supposed to master our demo next month. anybody know where I can get good tutorials?
  6. G

    Cubase 5 problem quick help?

    system: win 7 64bit, Q6600, 4gb ram etc etc.... So I am trying to record some growls and what happens is this shit. It happens with everything I record... any ideas? what could this be? only happens on my PC when using cubase. It works on my mac. Interface is a brand new m-audio profire 2626...
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    Which mBox should I get?

    Ok, so it turns out I just got hold of some serious cash. I want to buy an audio interface. Any recommendations? As I will be using it with a Macbook Pro (yeah, selling my macbook...too slow and screen is too small) I thought about getting one of these fine machines Digidesign Mbox 2 Pro...
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    Kick Midi Trigger Problem

    Hi, we are trying to record drums these days with our band and it so happens that we have a very sincere problem with Cubase 3 SX. Cubase doesn´t take the signal as it is supposed to be. let´s say you have a beat with 8 kicks per beat. what it does is layering all of those kicks on the first...
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    Guitar Loop - quiet clipping sound

    Hi, I was gonna record my guitar and loop some parts to tighten it up a little. with drums and second guitar you can´t even hear it BUT when monitoring the single guitar parts put together there is this little clipping tone it makes when jumping from one "loop" to another - it´s really quiet...
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    EZ Drummer - Drumkit from Hell

    Hello, I´ve purchased this program and was wondering how I am supposed to bring in my own samples with this program. I am using Cubase 4 with it and haven´t yet found out. Am I just stupid or is this not working at all!? Cheers