Search results

  1. Charlez

    Death Comes Home Music Video (Latest Mix)

    There are just a few things I am not happy with but I will fix them for the actual album version. This is my own band, and it's the first song we release after 3 years.
  2. Charlez

    Progressive Metal Video (TSE x50 Mix)

    Mix I did for my friend's solo project Statera. Used X50 version 1 for rhythms and Pod Farm for leads.
  3. Charlez

    David Bendeth Drums for Steven Slate
  4. Charlez

    New heavy mix. TSE X50 (V1)

    Hello! This is a new local band I recorded. Used TSE 808 and X50 for guitars.
  5. Charlez

    HIM Cover. (Axe-FX tone)

    Here's a cover I recorded with my friend on vocals. It's not 100% accurate or vocally perfect, but it's okay. It was just for fun
  6. Charlez

    My band's latest single. (Brian Hood Reamps)

    Hello! My band just released a new single called "The Awakening" which I mixed myself. Guitars were reamped by Brian Hood.
  7. Charlez

    My band's first music video. (Done by us)

    Hello! My band Death Comes Home just released our first music video which we did ourselves, please check it out! I also recorded and mixed the track.
  8. Charlez

    Fun Riffage

    Here's some riffage I had written some time ago. Here's another small riffage I did to test out my new camera!
  9. Charlez

    New Mix - Female Fronted Rock Band

    Mix is final, so no changes can be made. Any opinions on it though?
  10. Charlez

    My band's new single. Mixed by myself.

    Hey guys, I'd love it if you could take 3 minutes of your time and listen to our first song and comment. Thanks!
  11. Charlez

    My band's first single

    I would love if you guys could just take 3 minutes of your lives to listen to our first song. :D Recorded and mixed by myself.
  12. Charlez

    My latest mix. My band's first single.
  13. Charlez

    Progressive Metal mix

    What do you think?
  14. Charlez

    New Mix - local band

    What do you think?
  15. Charlez

    POD HD Pro First Test - Constance

    Just got my POD HD Pro yesterday and recorded this riff from the band The Devil Wears Prada, just to test it out.
  16. Charlez

    New Mix (help)

    Nevermind this thread...delete please.
  17. Charlez

    New Bleeding Through 2012 (Ola Reamps?)

  18. Charlez

    YT: Axel & Charlez Song + Mixing Practice

    I found a camera in my house and decided to do a lil' vid: Anybody who wants to mix this for practice can get the tracks HERE
  19. Charlez

    Tina Guo Forbidden City

    I think this is awesome.
  20. Charlez

    FS: Sansamp PSA-1 (US)
