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  1. heavenly


    Hello everyone! The brand new album is coming soon and the websites will have a new design on friday 15th !!!! You'll can also order the album on the official webshop !!!! Check it now !!!! See ya ! You'll be contaminated by this Heavenly virus !!!!
  2. heavenly

    HEAVENLY: some news !!!

    Hail dudes ! It mades a long time that I haven't post here ! Sorry for that but at this point of time I'm so busy because Heavenly is recording its brand new killing album which is announced for the end of this year. I'm preparing the promotionnal plans for the release of the album...
  3. heavenly

    I'm back !!!! and still alive !

    Hello every one ! It mades a long time that i'ven't been here .... I was so busy these last weeks... may be months! uh ! Finally I can post again. Hope everything is ok for every dude?! I'm working on a big metal party which will be on the south of France, on february 8th, in my town...
  4. heavenly

    POWER QUEST INTERVIEW: Alessio & Andrea

    Hello, here you'll find the link for the interview of Power Quest for their new album Magic... And as I am a funny boy I give you the english version of it: 1) This is the third album for Power Quest, and...
  5. heavenly


    Hail, I want to know if some of you guys will come to the Ragnarock fest in june (16, 17 & 18) in Goes to see Virgin Steel, Sky Lark, Dreamaker & Heavenly ? I'm going to this fest (mainly on saturday the 17th with Heavenly)... Let me know :)
  6. heavenly

    HEAVENLY recording new demo

    Hello guys, according to their brand new official website ( : "For the moment, Heavenly is recording the demo of the new album (scheduled for the end of this year) in our studio in south of France. This demo will be mixed and mastered by Philip Colodetti, Sacha Paeth...
  7. heavenly


    Hail! I've bought the new Edenbridge album: Shine and it rocks ! The best they made.... can't wait to see them on tour with Angra in Montpellier on February 15th !!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :rock:
  8. heavenly


    Hail dudes ! As I promised some times ago, I've take some shots of the Nightwish & Sonata Arctica's gig in Lyon last November 1st 2004...:hotjump: :hotjump: Does anyone want some shots (online) ? :rock:
  9. heavenly

    HEAVENLY : new contest !!!!

    SECOND HEAVENLY OFFICAL FAN CLUB’S CONTEST « Create the cover of Dust to Dust’s first single » :hotjump: The goal of this contest is to create the cover of the single (you will all have understood it) which will be named… it’s up to you ! The cover should be sent to the following...
  10. heavenly

    HEAVENLY : the new line up is....

    Hello, the new HEAVENLY line up is now announced on the Heavenly 's official fan club website... Check it out now !!! please, send the info to everyone..
  11. heavenly

    In quest for a webmaster

    Hello, I'm searching a webmaster who knows the hmtl and the php language and more of course (photoshop, flash media player etc...), to create a heavy metal website... It's very important for more informations, please contact me at Thanx Best Regards Lionel
  12. heavenly

    Fairyland : great news !!!

    This is an extract from the official Fairyland website: "Actually, we are looking for someone serious who would like to take care of the FC. If any of you are interested, you can send your experiences and motivations on my mail ( Mainly the FC would take care of the...
  13. heavenly

    HEAVENLY: websites updates

    Hi there, The new Update is almost done !!! Still working on the Tabs, which will follow here shortly ;-) Now you will find all that you wanted to get : Pix, Informations, New Links, MP3's, Anecdotes, Lyrics, etc, etc ... There is also an update on the Fan club...
  14. heavenly

    I need your help !!!!!

    Hi, I'm searching ALL articles , reviews speaking about the band Heavenly published in your countries..... every country is wanted ! I'm searching articles for all albums, but mainly for the SIGN OF THE WINNER one. Hope you'll answer to my request ....:worship: This is very important...
  15. heavenly

    Saxon meets Stratovarius !

    SAXON releases Lionheart on September 20, 2004 To be released almost 3 years to the day since their previous studio album, Saxon is back with their newest album Lionheart. Fans of the band know what to expect; strong production, killer riffs, heavy metal - all this and more !!! The bands...
  16. heavenly

    WASP tour

    I wanna make this thread because I've saw WASP on june 13th and and want to say this: WASP is shit.... mainly Blackie... the show: only a sad playback, a very bad rock star attitude.... nothing more to say... too disapointed ! Other thing: I haven't seen Dragonforce & Dyecrest because...
  17. heavenly

    Uk H.m Bands

    Hi guys, first of all I want to say that I'm glad to see that H.M Universe in U.K is fucking good. I've received yesterday the Intense - Second Sight album and it's pretty cool, the cover is great (the mighty eagle.... hehe) There is also the Power Quest Team which is so friendly with metal...
  18. heavenly

    Ex-HEAVENLY members form a new band

    Ex-HEAVENLY Members Form New Band, Seek Singer Former HEAVENLY members Frédéric Leclercq (guitar), Pierre-Emmanuel Pélisson (bass) and Maxence Pilo (drums) have announced plans to form a new band. "We are currently looking for a singer, influenced by Dio, [John] Corabi, [David] Coverdale...
  19. heavenly

    HEAVENLY - new line-up !

    Heavenly's line up is changing ... That's right, further to many divergences between the band members, it had been decided, in keeping with the record company Noise Records (label of Sanctuary Records), that Maxence Pilo, Pierre-Emmanuel Pelisson & Frédéric Leclercq are leaving Heavenly. The...
  20. heavenly

    Heavenly Official Fanzine

    Hi folks, the english version of the FANZINE is announced between april 15th and april 31th... more infos on the english version of the FC will come soon ! The Heavenly FC doesn't forget all the fans ! The fanzine: 22 pages exclusive photos, interview, album review, draw, and a VERY...