Search results

  1. nØthing

    Create your own nation!

    If anybody's bored, come on and make your own nation! Here's mine: The Rogue Nation of Shadoia "We're pissed off, but it's better than being pissed on." UN Category: Left-Leaning College State Civil Rights: Superb Economy: Good Political...
  2. nØthing

    Holy shyit!

    Being fdrumnk is so aweosme! Wow...who selse is durmnks3!?
  3. nØthing

    IM ME! I'm bored!

    I realized I don't know enough people around here, plus I'm bored as hell, so I made this thread. Feel free to talk to me all you want. I don't bite. That is...unless you want me to..
  4. nØthing

    Slow day...huh?

    So it's a pretty slow morning around here...but I'm positive people'll start coming in later... Anyway, what's everbody's plans for the weekend? I took off work today so I could go car shopping...since my last car got totaled by somebody who ran a red light. Then later I'm going out and...
  5. nØthing

    Southern Ohio Metal seeks Members

    Ok, here's the dilema - my band consists of myself (vocals), a guitarist, and a drummer. Not quite enough for a Swedish influenced Thrash Metal band. We need a guitarist, bassist, and keyboardist to complete our outfit; and we're having trouble finding them. So if you live around the Greater...
  6. nØthing

    Breathing Techniques for Vocals

    Alright, well I have a pretty good handle on my sound; I've got the sound I want PLUS I can practice with my band hours on end and not have my throat hurt, and my voice comes back to me within 5-10 minutes. But I do have one major problem - whenever I am practicing for a long time, I start to...
  7. nØthing

    Ugh..somebody want to help me out?

    So my stubborn friend and I got in a argument about In Flames being melodic death metal or not. He says they're not, and there's no such thing as melodic death metal; it's just death metal. I've always though In Flames as being Death...meh, could somebody who knows just fill me in?
  8. nØthing

    HAHA! Funniest, Saddest thing ever!

    Bjwow! *lightsaber* This has got to be the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. Check it out! :tickled::hotjump::loco::Spin:
  9. nØthing

    I'm hella bored

    It's midnight right now, I'm on a huge sugar rush from the Mountain Dews I've had today, and I'm incredibly bored. I'm sitting at my computer just looking through various forums, and I realize that I have nothing fun to do right now. Can somebody give me something to do? What do you guys do when...
  10. nØthing

    Official Chatting Thread in Ebonics

    Aw fo shizzle ma nizzle up in tha heezie breezie an tha eezie cheezie up on tha one-tweezie! Dis chattin fred fo all yall who be eezies an neezies chillizzlin wit yo hos an bitches! Chatizzle!
  11. nØthing

    Ultra Punk Rant!

    My complaint about Mr. Punk Rocker Guns? Absence of religion? Lack of self esteem? Poor parenting? The entertainment industry? Who's to blame for Mr. Punk Rocker's ruthless utterances? Numerous professionals (and not-so-professionals) have speculated and mulled, publicly and privately, over...
  12. nØthing

    UPDATE! My Caffine Fast

    Well as some of you already know, I'm taking a month-long break from caffine...just because. Now I'm just four days into the break, and I just randomly decided that I'd have a thread dedicated to my thoughts and actions that have been affected me because of this cold turkey (like anybody cares...
  13. nØthing

    Which Avrial Lavigne song are you?

    Hey! Since I know everybody here loves Avril, I should share this great quiz with you! Take it Here!
  14. nØthing

    What's your Pirate name?

    Blarg! Does ye roll the seben seas with authority like me? Then what be ye Pirate name? Find out HERE!. Or ye may be a land scalagwag! I be Dread Pirate Flint: Like the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, you have a keen head for how to make a profit. Like the rock flint, you're hard...
  15. nØthing

    Now Thinking Thread!!!

    Well since there aren't enough "Now" threads, I thought we need a now thinking thread. Just talk about what you're thinking about at the moment. I'll start. Right now I'm thinking about WWI and how Wilson's real motives for entering it were disguised by his ideals that he talked about...I'm...
  16. nØthing

    Official Chat in Pirate Lingo!

    Avast ye land lubbers! This be me pirate lingo chat, an it be open to all o ye to chat in! Ye c'n chat about some tings, like ye crew, ye treasure, or ye wenches!
  17. nØthing

    Official chatting thread in Spanish!

    *Lo siento, no hablo español fluido, pero lo entiendo. Sé hay otros personas aquí quien hablan español - Bienvenidos. Yo creo nosotros necesitamos esto. Hay un do Finlandés y Latino de Puerco. ¿Porqué no esto? ¿Dónde viven ustedes? Yo vivo en Ohio.
  18. nØthing

    Oh my lord, please help me!

    Ok, I play (american) football for my highschool, and yesterday some of the guys on the team went over to a teammate's house after a game to hang out. Somebody brought a few girls over too, they're hot but they're whores too (from what I hear). The teammate, who's a good friend of mine, let me...