Search results

  1. Skadsson

    iPad DAW for sending out midi?

    Hi guys, not much of an iPad buff, but my band is using one. I want to play stereo audio via the stereo jack of an iPad and simultaneously send out MIDI via some device (midi interface+lightning/usb adapter perhaps) to an axe fx for patch changes. Any ideas?
  2. Skadsson

    So my band has finally released some songs...

    Hi guys, since I've been scrolling this board for almost two years asking stupid questions and learning countless lessons (and having even more still to learn), I thought it would be nice to share the music my band and I spent countless hours working on. :) If you enjoyed the...
  3. Skadsson

    Mix loud enough on PC, too quiet on home stereo?

    Hi, So, in mixing and mastering my bands demo, I've run into this problem. I've A/B'ed the tracks with Machine Head's "Through The Ashes of The Empire", and while it keeps up on my PC and the respective music players just fine, it pales in comparison when played on our other guitarists living...
  4. Skadsson

    First mix after a longer time period, could use some fresh ears...

    So my Band decided to record a little DIY homerecording demo (yeah, the usual, TSE X30+X50 on Guitars, TSE BOD on Bass, SD Drums with Metal Machine...). I've been dabbling in recording/mixing/mastering for 1 1/2 years now and hadn't done anything this year with mixing until now...
  5. Skadsson

    Mastodon - Spectrelight

    Haven't seen this pop up here. In case I just missed out feel free to close this. From the upcoming album. I find this quite enjoyable.
  6. Skadsson

    Your go-to VSTs for Rhythm and Lead Guitars?

    Hi, just been wondering what your go-to VSTs are for rhythm and lead guitars... I personally have sticked to the tse x30 for all of my rhythms (even with the tse x50 being released, which is great). It just nails nasty gnarly rhythm tones very well. For leads I've been using guitar rig 3...
  7. Skadsson

    Normal Radius vs Compound Radius?

    Hi guys, I've just been looking at a few Jacksons and I'm extremely digging their Guitars. But whats up with the compound radius? I understand that it is a best of both worlds thing for chords in the lower registers and solo wanking around in the higher frets. My question is however: Doesn't...
  8. Skadsson

    Dean Dave Mustaine VMNT

    I've been digging the Dave Mustaine Signature Guitars since a long time. Now it looks like I could be in for a family treat and get one of the korean models. Does anyone have some experiences to share regarding these guitars? As far as as I can tell they look killer and have godlike specs...
  9. Skadsson

    How many of you guys play in a band?

    Okay, I hope to god that this hasn't come up before (I am honestly too drunk for the search function right now). So what I want to know is how many of you guys are pulling off the whole audio engineering thing by itself and how many of you are playing in a band? Simple question. My perception...
  10. Skadsson

    Need advice on first halfway decent mix

    Hi folks, been a reader for a couple of months now, gathering information from all of the tutorials and videos on this board. It's been a gigantic help so far, thanks alot! Now then, I've got a little recording project with a friend of mine and I'd like to get some advice on this mix, it's...