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  1. P

    Born in the 80s ? Watch this shit, NOW!

    I watched this short movie yesterday, it's been Kickstarted and came out a few months ago. Won't spoil anything, but if you grew up in the 80s you're gonna laugh a lot.
  2. P

    Reaper : moving regions and markers ?

    This is one of my only disapointments with Reaper. After what, 3 years, I still don't know how to do this easily. I want to take this and move it to the begining (bar 1) with a simple drag and drop... tell me it's possible ! Furthermore, see how the first marker isn't aligned. It WAS just...
  3. P

    Scripters, programmers here?

    Hey guys, first, this is gonna a "long" post because of the codes, but it should load just fine since there's no image. Sorry if it's a pain to scroll, I assure it'll be worth it for many. While I'm noodling on something bigger that Reaper/Reason ReWirers will love, I thought I'd share...
  4. P

    Can you protect WAVs in a main folder ?

    I worked on a project and decided to merge everything into a single session to fix stuff and it was awesome. Now, I need to re-separate everything but don't want to process/bounce the 70 minute WAVs for 12 songs.. so I thought I'd just save my .rpp and .reason to a folder, one level up from the...
  5. P

    Anyone already exported videos out of Reaper ?

    Is it possible to export from Reaper ? I use Vegas but a friend needs a all-in-one solution and is new to Reaper. Thanks !
  6. P

    Pitch Perfect 2

    I watched pitch perfect 2. Coudn't shut up about how they sound studio when they start singing, even outside. I mean lol, if it was just a little bit faked with pans and reverbs to pretend they're outside. No no no. Well it sure is "Pitch Perfect" I guess. Anyway, I'm glad I discovered Birgitte...
  7. P

    Looking for the title/artist of this tune

    Can you help me ? That's all I remember but it should be enough. Thanks !
  8. P

    What the guitar companies don't want you to know (video)

    Hey I thought some of you guys might find this video interesting, VLOG from a guitar maker (he's got other videos).
  9. P

    Need a decent cam

    I'm looking for a decent cam that can take great picture and film great. Shooting guitar videos with an old iPod 4 is not the best thing for YouTube anymore; I was told to look at the Pentax K50? What I want is quite simple; not so expensive (idealy under 500$), to perform well even in a dim...
  10. P

    How do I get this type of synth sound ?

    I'm looking to get a synth sound that woulb be between those two synths.. ideas ? At 5:05 At the begining Look at those 2 artworks by the way, lol
  11. P

    Which impulse goes with which ?

    Which impulse goes with which ? What are your favourite matches for 2 guitars hard panned ? Do you take the same impulse for harmonies ? Same for lead ? Same for hardpan? :worship:
  12. P

    Changed room for my music ... :( floor type effects on sound ?

    I had to change room for my music room, I was in the basement with a floating carpet thing (that vinyl unwrappable new thing) and the sound was pretty good, bass didn't sound too present. Now I'm upstairs, on floating floor, a squarier room and the bass is just all over the place to the point...
  13. P

    Your Reaper theme(s) ?

    I usually don't care for skins on stuff but I found myself needing a better display on the mixer; see the -18 -12 -6 -3 notches... I found "ALBERT-C (REA-EVOLUTION 2)" to be doing the job, however, it's an old skin I had somewhere in my folders. Curious to know what you use (was using...
  14. P

    Project/track Templates

    Do you work with templates ? How do you organize them ? What's your basic template and what's your craziest ?
  15. P

    Peircing a hole in a guitar

    I need to be able to adjust the trem arm hex screw under the Floyd of my new guitar and there's no room for that. I would have to drill a hole near the edge of the plastic thing and I'm afraid of the aftermaths like the clear craking/pealing up to the body and not only under the plastic thing...
  16. P

    Are you using earplugs ?

    I hope so! For years I've used those cheap orange foamy plugs .. then like 2 years ago tried the Pacatos (Planet wave) and that a mind blowing improvement. Story short : I lost them and I'm shopping for earplugs again. It's either the Pacatos or the "Etymotic Research ER20" so far...
  17. P

    Extremly round nails

    Am I the only one with extremly round nails ? The 4th finder is like a perfect demi sphere from 0 to 180 degrees. It used to cut in the flesh and make pus.. that was like impossible to play guitar Doesn't show the other edge because I'm holding the camera but it goes deep.
  18. P

    Giving up

    How many thought about giving up at some point (maybe even stopped playing/making music for a few years?) ? What kept you going or made you come back ?
  19. P

    Dave Grohl to host TV series about recording studios on HBO
  20. P

    Runners here?

    "Oh my got here's another thread by Plendakor :zombie:!" Any runners here ? What do you listen to when jogging ? Started in january and I love it, but my iPod was broken and just got another mp3 player today. I have a watch that gives the heart rate in BPM and I'd like some music to run with...