Search results

  1. Spiderchrist

    Megadeth Lose Shawn and Chris... one day. Wat. I'm not crying, though. Both of those guys were robots. Absolutely no feel in their playing.
  2. Spiderchrist

    Genre Anthems

    For example: Death Metal- Hammer Smashed Face Black Metal- Freezing Moon Grindcore- Scum Thrash Metal- Master of Puppets and so on.
  3. Spiderchrist

    Best Vocal Performance on a Death Metal Album

    I think I made a thread like this before, but why not redo it? Lord Worm on None So Vile takes my vote because of the various types of techniques he uses. Inhales, exhales, and that odd pig squeal during the slam on Slit Your Guts.
  4. Spiderchrist

    Definitive Black Metal Album

    My vote goes to De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas or Transilvanian Hunger.
  5. Spiderchrist

    Brutal Thrash

    What are some insanely brutal Thrash Metal bands? I'm talking shit like Darkness Descends, Pleasure to Kill, Reign In Blood, etc.
  6. Spiderchrist

    WORLD DOWNFALL FULL ALBUM LIVE Hell fucking yes! Wish I was there.
  7. Spiderchrist

    Best Morbid Angel album

    Altars of Madness.
  8. Spiderchrist

    Stormblåst 1996 or Stormblåst 2005?

    Stormblåst 2005 is the only album that I enjoy by Dimmu Borgir. I downloaded it a long time ago and I realized only recently that I have that version. I heard the original, and I can't say I enjoyed it as much as the remake. It's probably Hellhammer that puts the frosting on the cake because he...
  9. Spiderchrist

    Led Zepplin vs. Deep Purple

    Deep Purple> (Made a typo on Led Zeppelin)
  10. Spiderchrist

    Favorite Metal subgenre

    Just curious to see how this all pans out. I'm sure I could have added more subgenres, but I tried to keep it simple. Any variation of a subgenre isn't listed. For example, Melodic Death Metal.
  11. Spiderchrist

    Pete Sandoval- Out of Morbid Angel "I used to play drums for MA, but I no longer do. Now I'm full time 'GOD', 'Terrorizer' and 'Me'. :)" Well, shit. If everyone else knows this, I'm just finding out.
  12. Spiderchrist

    The Occult in Metal

    I've been an occultist for about 10 years now, and I've always been interested in what bands are really into the occult. Morbid Angel were very much into the occult early in the days. They practiced what was in the Necronomicon for the most part. Richard Brunelle claims he was cursed on a forum...
  13. Spiderchrist

    Pete Sandoval...

    I have a lot of respect for this guy drum wise, but he turned into a fucking nut. Recently posted by him on Facebook: 10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA: 1- IF YOU BELIEVE THAT IT IS RIGHT TO GO INTO A WOMAN'S WOMB AND KILL HER UNBORN BABY, YOU SHOULD VOTE FOR OBAMA. 2-...
  14. Spiderchrist

    ...Top 20 Essential Thrash Metal Albums

    Lists are awesome, faggots. Join Nickelback if you disagree. In no order: 1. Beneath The Remains- Sepultura 2. Reign In Blood- Slayer 3. Pleasure To Kill- Kreator 4. Darkness Descends- Dark Angel 5. Bonded By Blood- Exodus 6. Rust In Peace- Megadeth 7. Among The Living- Anthrax 8. The Years Of...
  15. Spiderchrist

    The 4th Re-org (Apocalypse)

    I'm sure there's been a thread for this, but what are your guys' views? I'm skeptical on whether the world will be coming to an end in the year 2012. I've very close with a Native American Medicine Woman, who is psychic, believe it or not, and I've experienced some very strange occurrences...
  16. Spiderchrist

    The 40 Essential Death Metal albums

    List them off! (In no order) 1. Altars of Madness- Morbid Angel 2. None So Vile- Cryptopsy 3. Legion- Deicide 4. Onset of Putrefaction- Necrophagist 5. Mental Funeral- Autopsy 6. Symbolic- Death 7. Elvenefris- Lykathea Aflame 8. Left Hand Path- Entombed 9. Obscura- Gorguts 10...
  17. Spiderchrist

    Favorite vocal/guitar/bass/drum performance on a Death Metal album

    For me... Vocal- None So Vile Guitar- Altars of Madness Bass- Tomb of the Mutilated (The bass tone is just awesome) Drum- Elvenefris Such a shit thread...try to enjoy it.
  18. Spiderchrist

    Heaviest Death Metal albums

    What's the heaviest DM you've heard? It doesn't have to be brutal like suffocation, because iron maiden is as heavy as some death metal bands just cause the riffs are so metal. For the heaviest...I'd say Peace Sells, None So Vile, and Black Metal (Of the entire Metal genre) For death metal...
  19. Spiderchrist

    Favorite Barnes era Cannibal Corpse albums

    Barnes era CC is my favorite era. I would personally say Tomb Of The Mutilated is the best of that era. It is basically the standard of Death Metal, like it or not.
  20. Spiderchrist

    Favorite DM Slams/Breakdowns

    Liege Of Inveracity- Suffocation (We all know this) Infecting The Crypts- Suffocation 3:25 Benedictine Convulsions- Cryptopsy 2:54 Nostalgia- Gorguts (if anyone considers this a breakdown) 2:12 Orgiastic Disembowelment- Cryptopsy 1:25 Skull Fucked- Dying Fetus 2:49 Hammer Smashed Face-...