Search results

  1. Cline

    Working on recording tone, any tips?

    Trying to work on a recording tone. Seems as if most tracks I record come up extremely muddy even without mids or much bass on the amp. I'm using an SM57 not far from the speaker (pic below). Any tips on how I can improve the quality of my tone when recording would be much appreciated. I've...
  2. Cline

    Working on mic placement

    Working on my mic placement (SM57 on Krankenstein Cab). Ended up taking the front grill off so I can have better access to the speakers. Right now I'd say I am Cap Edge, maybe an inch and a half back. Trying to extinguish as much room reflections as possible in my tiny 'mancave / spare...
  3. Cline

    New member here!

    Hello everyone, I'm Paul. Been playing for roughly 5 years (off and on due to an insatiably bad habit of buying and selling guitars. Lately though I have found a reason to stick to it, I went all in on my first real guitar amp (been strictly Guitarport since day one). This forum looks to be...