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  1. C

    Van carrying metal bands has fatal accident

    See attached news story...
  2. C

    Ten - Albion

    No love for this? Another project I think could have made Glenn's top 50. Hughes and company always seem to pull it off for me, this one no exception.
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    Rubicon Cross

    Any love?
  4. C

    Panic Room - Incarnate

    No love for this project? A head banger it isn't, but I'm diggin' it. Mellow prog that always satisfies.
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    Generic NEED shirt graphic

    Here's a generic design I whipped out for the Need bros. Very simple outline of Greece using the colors of the Greek flag. Jumps right off a black background. Finished out the graphic transfer by painting with a toothpick. Printer could make the lines much more exact. Anyway, they seem to...
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    American Mary (movie)

    Glenn, feel free to move this into the Lounge if necessary. My son turns me on to metal I wouldn't have found on my own (and vice versa), but my daughter turns me on to film. Last night, we watched 'American Mary', a fairly new release on DVD. I was very entertained, a new take in the...
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    Pretty Maids - Louder Than Ever

    Just pre-ordered on Amazon. 8 re-do and 4 new tracks with a DVD. Release date March 25. No brainer.
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    Primal Fear - Delivering the Black

    Got this one yesterday and have been diggin' it heap big ever since. Great speed metal result from start to finish. If the Grammy's need a metal performance for the 2015 show, here's an early nomination.