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  1. Shakermaker

    A new dimension of Music Reviewing

    Hail! Discover FELDGRAU, a conglomerate of high-spirited young Stürmers and Drängers. We review all kinds of music, and - dare I say it? - we do a good job! So, drop in and prepare to be amazed. Reviews in german only, OF COURSE.
  2. Shakermaker

    Feldgrau (Swiss Webzine)

    I'd like to invite you all to pay a visit to Feldgrau, a platform for music reviews a few friends and I have created. However, it is in German and not at all limited to reviewing Metal - have a look for yourself :)
  3. Shakermaker

    All I can say is "LOL" I didn't know Gorgoroth relied on "visual effects" so heavily :D Or did they only do this because the pope is from Poland? :cool:
  4. Shakermaker

    My dying Bride - Songs of Darkness, Words of Light

    Anyone already heard this? How is it?
  5. Shakermaker

    Metal record Stores in Strasbourg, France?

    I'll be visiting Strasbourg next week, are there any metal record stores I should visit?
  6. Shakermaker

    Metal record stores in Strasbourg?

    I'll be visiting Strasbourg next week, any good record stores I should visit?
  7. Shakermaker

    Help me with my christmas shopping!

    Which CD should I buy for my cousin? She likes pop Jazz in the vein of Norah Jones... :erk: I've been thinking of either Anathema - Judgement or Opeth - Damnation. Any opinions?
  8. Shakermaker


    I've recently discovered this german heathen Black Metal band and I'm quite impressed... Nachtfalke is the side project of Occulta Mors, whom some may know from his main band Moonblood. Nachtfalke have already released two albums and play quite a unique brand of heathenish black metal with...
  9. Shakermaker

    Hate forest

    Does anyone have some info on this band? I've heard one song by them and it ROCKS. I'd love to hear some opinions about their album "purity", from which I couldn't find any material via P2P.
  10. Shakermaker

    Need some Advice on a few Bands...

    I'm about to place an order for a BERGTHRON shirt with (bergthron are very good by the way) and since shipping to switzerland costs 9€ i'd like to order some CDs with it... so, what do you think of those bands: odal blodulv bilskirnir nachtfalke trollskogen
  11. Shakermaker

    Nagelfar Tribute Thread

    They're easily one of my favourite bands ever. Unique Black metal with great (german only) lyrics, the concept album 'Srontgorrth' being their best CD, imho. sadly they disbanded last year. If you know them, what are your thoughts on them? and if you don't know them - why the hell are you...
  12. Shakermaker

    My to-buy List - Thoughts, recommendations and death Threats are welcome

    I'm posting this here because a lot of people with good taste frequent this board and constructive responses are more probable here than anywhere else. so, these are some albums that i intend to buy in the not too distant future - what do you think? what should i erase from the list, what...
  13. Shakermaker

    darkthrone re-issues

    sorry if this has already been asked, i couldn't use the search for darkthrone (too long :D). so, in what way(s) do the re-releases of the darkthrone differ from the original versions? were they remastered, do they have bonus tracks, additional liner note, or was anything cut out...?
  14. Shakermaker

    sentenced: frozen or crimson?

    which one of these two albums should i get? i already have "down" which i really like, now i want to expand my sentenced-collection... but where to start?
  15. Shakermaker

    merchandise on the gimme ed... tour?

    does maiden sell merchandise on this tour? are there any cool special shirts & what are the prices? thanks
  16. Shakermaker


    does anyone else here know and like this great german jazz-rock band? i've just heard their new album which is due this month and it's quite an amazing record... wouldn't expect that from a band that has existed for over thirty years.
  17. Shakermaker

    Bathory - Nordland II

    i haven't heard much on this album yet (not even any official reviews...), so, if anyone here already has it, how is it? is it as good as or even better than the first part?
  18. Shakermaker

    Is there a limited Edition of Viva Emptiness?

    well... see title :)
  19. Shakermaker

    Porcupine Tree - Coma Divine

    so, to my knowledge, this album has been reissued as a remastered double CD recently. i've always wanted to buy that cd so i went out and looked for it - but i can't find that thing anywhere! neither in online stores nor in real shops... i only find a single CD edition from 2000 which already...
  20. Shakermaker

    going shopping tomorrow... which one of these albums should i buy?

    i'm torn between - lake of tears - forever autumn - the crown - deathrace king - darkane - expanding senses i'm only able to buy one of these cds... so which one would you recommend?