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    Studio Pics

    Hey there... I thought it might be interesting to get a few impressions of the recordings at Thin Ice Studio...check them out at Have fun! Ciao for now, Andre
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    Hello everybody! I just wanted to mention you will find a couple of photos from the youngest tour on . Check them out! I may add some more, after having more overview! :-) Ciao for now, Andre (Hey guys...all good for you? Safe...
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    Hey guys! As I have noticed that there are a couple of drummers around here (yeah!) I thought I open up this special thread... Maybe the one or another has the one or another question concerning my drums and person - as "the new one". Do not hesitate do ask - it will be my pleasure to...
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    The new drummer!

    I just wanna say hello to everybody interested in Powerquest and thank you for all your nice words and excitement. Thank you to Steve Scott for suggesting me and thank you to everybody in the band for the warm welcome! I will add my power to the quest! Take care Andre Bargmann