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  1. L

    A Question About Music Theory

    Are you more impressed by bands who write good songs using music theory? or bands who write good songs without using music theory? Cause it seems here some people like nu-metal bands and i doubt they know any music theory. I guess it can be compared to saying would you be more impressed by a...
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    Do you think it is harder to write a 5 minute song or 2 two and a half minute songs? Or for example, a ten minute song or 5 2 minute songs? Cause this is compared to episodes, Is it harder to write 2 15 minute episodes for a show or one half hour episode? What do you think? Because maybe bands...
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    To: Life Sucks and None So Vile

    Check your private messages. You havent responded in a few days.
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    To whoever said Punk bands can't tap or solo

    Less Than Jake is a band that can tap and they do it quite often. Listen to the song "Help Save The Youth Of America" and you will be impressed. Listen to any song off "Hello Rockview" and your opinion will change about punk bands. Don't respond until you hear a song. Be fair.
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    Thinking Power Chord songs are hard to do

    I listen to metal and think the musicianship is great but one thing is bothering me, when i pick up the guitar, I can't really play power chords that good and my friend told me "well thats because punk is a lot harder to play than metal" and i asked him why and he said "because you gotta think...
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    More Riffs On Punk CDS or Metal CDS?

    I realized that is harder to play metal than punk once i started playing guitar fully. But my friend told me it's harder to make a punk cd with 15-20 songs on it than it is to make a metal cd with 8-10 songs on it. His reasoning was that on punk cds you have to think of 15-20 different riffs for...
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    Don't songs lose their meaning to you once you can play them?

    Example: You hear a song and say to yourself "wow great song" but then you look at the tabs and see you can play it. Don't you say to yourself "oh that song isn't good anymore cause it's so easy to play.?" I mean what still makes a song good if it's so simple for you to play? And I saw someone...
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    My Point Read This

    Seriously guys I don't think I'm getting my point across. I bet any punk band can play any metal song but I bet any metal band can't play any punk song. NOFX is a good band, do you honestly think that they can't play a metal song? Or what about Arch Enemy? I doubt they can play a NOFX song. Why...
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    Musicianship In Metal

    Is it harder to learn how to play an In Flames song than a punk song? Cause I was trying to play a power chord punk song and I get it sloppily, but when I try to play In Flames leads, I can usually get them. Does this mean there's more talent in punk than metal because it's harder to make up...
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    Does anyone here have TabIt?

    TabIt is a program which has a bunch of bands listed and you click on them and it shows you the tab and plays music along with it. If anyone has it, I would challenge you to learn "Buggley Eyes" by NOFX. is where you can to download it. Also try "Pissing In The Mainstream" by Dying...
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    What do you think of punk guitarists?

    Do you think people in such bands as Dead Kennedys, The Clash, Misfits, Sex Pistols could shred up the fretboard? Or do you think they can only play power chords, which is why all their songs have no solos? I mean I do like metal but it gets me wondering if bands like those could actually do...
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    Punk guitarist number 18 of all time?! According to this, Greg Ginn of Black Flag is the number 18 best guitarist of all time. Malmsteen is 67, and john from dream theater is 90. And Kirk Hammett is number 17, only one higher than Greg Ginn. How is it possible to have a power chord...
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    The Band - Thursday

    Any one into this band? They are hardcore/punk in my book.
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    Shredders In Punk?

    Do you know any guitarists from the Punk genre that can shred? I know that the guitarist from the Vandals can shred. I saw it in his live video. Also, is metal stemmed from punk or vice versa?
  15. L

    What about fast death metal?

    What do you think of bands like dying fetus and cannibal corpse? I personally like Dying Fetus and think they are more skilled musicians, but my friend said "oh dying fetus is too fast to like, how can you like that?" and yet he listens to hate eternal and corpse. Do you like fast playing? or do...
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    Punk Vs. Metal

    Whcih do you think is better? Me and my friends were discussing this. I like punk and my friend said its a bunch of power chords. but I think metal has power chords too so I don't see how his point is valid. Post your thoughts cause this can become and interesting topic.