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  1. HoserHellspawn

    What the fuck is all this "Jannet" shit?

    Greetings everybody, I've been reading a bunch of threads recently and noted that metalmancpa hasn't been around to play "Forum Daddy", and apparently as a result, everything has seemingly fallen apart. Although, with all of the childish namecalling that's been going on, I wouldn't be...
  2. HoserHellspawn


    ...that's when I ram my ovipositor down your throat and lay my eggs in your chest... but I'm not an alien! Suddenly, I have a refreshing mint flavour... INDUSTRY.... Science and technology! Big men putting screwdrivers into things. Turning them, and... ADJUSTING them. Build your own atom...
  3. HoserHellspawn

    More of Hoser's need for your ego-stroking

    Check this out! (you should all recognize at least one of those images)
  4. HoserHellspawn

    A Frank Zappa thread for 1000

    Alrighty! I promised I would do this... what better time than a milestone? I've noticed at least a few other FZ fans floating around the forum now, so I must ask: What is your favourite FZ moment? (or, as it will inevitabely end up, "several FZ moments?") Till Fjalls posted a thread not...
  5. HoserHellspawn

    An article about me

    To quote Devin Townsend, this is to "satisfy both your inquiring minds and my narcissistic impulses"
  6. HoserHellspawn

    DEATHMATCH: Opeth vs. Oprah

    Alright, so there's an abandoned talk show set, trapped in which are Oprah Winfrey and, say... (hmm... it should probably be one-on-one...) okay, we'll say Mikael Akerfeldt. They must fight to the death in order to escape, and both are unarmed. Who would win this deathmatch, and why? Support...
  7. HoserHellspawn

    Hey Everybody! MFN looking for input on "2 albums" thing

    In case you haven't seen it yet... Contribute your thoughts in this thread, oddly posted on the general music discussion forum.
  8. HoserHellspawn

    The best exam answer EVER!

    A thermodynamics professor had written a take home exam for his graduate students. It had one question: "Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer with a proof." Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools off...
  9. HoserHellspawn

    Line 6 POD

    For the guitarists on the forum... How is this thing as both a digital effects processor and a direct recording tool? I'm basically looking for something that posesses many many effects and different sounds, and that I can pretty much plug straight into a relatively standard soundcard. From...
  10. HoserHellspawn

    Let's dispell some WTC myths

    ...and not some others. Check out the following links: which claims the allegations that CNN used recycled "Celebrating Palestinians" footage are incorrect, and which supports that the "Satan...
  11. HoserHellspawn

    favourite episode of "The Simpsons"

    Mine has to be "Cape Feare", the one where The Simpsons enter the Witness Relocation Program as Sideshow Bob is paroled from prison, steps on many rakes and sings the entire score of the HMS Pinafore. "Isn't it true that you have a tattoo on your chest that says 'Die Bart, Die'?" "Nooo...
  12. HoserHellspawn

    Alright - let's start with something silly

    Does anyone else think Vintersorg's clean singing voice could be easily mistaken for Dan Swano's?
  13. HoserHellspawn

    Wow... 500 posts.

    So I guess this means I talk way too much, eh?
  14. HoserHellspawn

    Yes, now: Who's the Sexiest?

    Alright... since we've all had a chance to send our pictures to the Opeth board picture page ( I think it's time. Heh... this should be fun... (That's right, this is what you get for sending in your pics you foolish people! :grin: )
  15. HoserHellspawn

    Opeth Fan Demographics

    Hey everyone, as a result of the "how old is everyone" thread we've decided to create a little demographic poll. Please answer the following questions: Age: Gender: Nationality: Approximate date first hearing Opeth: First Opeth record heard: - Order the 5 Opeth albums from favourite...
  16. HoserHellspawn

    George Orwell's 1984 as an analogy for Christianity

    Alright... this stems from the basic thought that God is a metaphor for all dictators (probably Satori's) and all of this comes as a result. For those of you who have read 1984, you'll know what I'm talking about, for those that haven't, I give kinda a plot summary for you to more or less get...
  17. HoserHellspawn

    Sörskogen There ya are! I was ranting about this in another thread. If anyone finds a link to any other source for anything to do with this apparent non-project of Mikael's (preferably in MP3 format). Please, let us know...
  18. HoserHellspawn

    The Arcane Philosophy behind Dilating Pupils and Zero-Gravity Masochistic Plagarism

    ALRIGHT! A lot has been said about the common bonds between Opethians and it certainly seems that most of us have some sense of the arts... there's a lot of members of bands here, a poet, a philosopher of sorts (or many, so it would seem), and probably far more creative disciplines... which...
  19. HoserHellspawn

    So what does everyone do?

    This never seems to be discussed. There's an option in the settings somewhere to state your occupation, but I don't think anyone does, or if so, ya never see it. SO WHAT DO YOU ALL DO?! Some of you I can guess... Wars of Winter, I'd imagine, is a High School student (possibly taking some...
  20. HoserHellspawn


    The thought had just struck me that nobody has bothered to set up a thread here discussing Opeth guitar tabs yet. THEREFORE, I SHALL! Now, as far as I can tell, is sort of "the source" for Opeth tabs, but it has some noticeable and unfortunate...