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  1. Lina


  2. Lina

    1/11 show at Jaxx

    Here are some pics from last night's awesome show. Great stage presence, full of headbangy goodness! :rock: The only bad thing was the crowd...or lack thereof. Sorry you came up here, Jesse, to play for me and my boyfriend essentially, but I loved every second of it. And yes, Barre...
  3. Lina


    The search function has been disabled, so I don't know if this band has been mentioned before. Does anyone know anything about these guys? This description on Metaldisc caught my eye: My computer speakers aren't the greatest, so I can't tell how intricate the actual music is. But she's...
  4. Lina

    Opeth gold logo flag/poster

    There are a bunch of these being sold on eBay. I was already a sucker and bought one, but I'm just wondering if anyone knows the origins of this flag/poster. Are they legit, in terms of being produced with Opeth's knowledge, or is someone just making a buck? fyi, they're actually pretty nice.
  5. Lina

    Get this...

    OK, you officially deserve the title of stupid cunt. Rather than respond to my post on Jannet's African-American thread (a post I spent a good half-hour on, mind you :p), she deleted the thread. Very mature. That's now how a message board works. It's time for you to go.
  6. Lina

    Introducing the perfect male specimen

    Sorry, we all get at least one silly thread. :grin:
  7. Lina


    Why did the demo songs evolve into songs on Morningrise and not Orchid? I would think their first album would include the riffs they'd had kicking around for a couple years.
  8. Lina

    Question for the non-native English speakers

    Do you view the worldwide spread of English as yet another annoying example of the U.S. exporting its culture (even though we obviously aren't the only country that speaks English)? Or do you view it more objectively -- as in, one global language will be necessary as our borders are brought...
  9. Lina

    I made it!

    I'm terribly sorry for making this thread but...... This is my 1,000th post! I wasn't going to start a thread, but I was feeling so much pressure to make it good...and commenting on my favorite candy some more felt rather anti-climactic. :p Carry on... P.S. -- I noticed Melancholia...
  10. Lina

    Online friends versus "Real" friends

    Metalmancpa's and Belial's recent threads on friendships got me thinking: 1) Have any of you met an internet friend in person? 2) What do your "real-life" friends think of the time you spend online? 3) Do you consider your internet friends to be "legitimate" friends? Or do you...
  11. Lina


    This is developing in the picture thread (ugh...bad pun). Do you believe in ghosts?
  12. Lina

    Religion answers all our questions (warning: religious debate might ensue inside)

    Sorry to bring up such a beaten-to-death subject, BUT... As you all probably know by now, for work I edit the transcripts of the Sunday political talk shows (Meet the Press, Face the Nation, etc). And today, EVERY SINGLE SHOW had a segment on religion that was shaped in such a way that...
  13. Lina

    the Lacuna Coil show

    Hey, some of you asked me to tell you how the show went, and I posted this on the "Dictionary in our language" thread, but that's getting buried. So I'll delete that one if it will let me. So here it is, with some changes: OK, time for the show report! what a dream! i've been...
  14. Lina

    Please give me your opinion...

    Do you think it's "dorky" (substitute any similar adjective) to wear the shirt of a band to their show? I'm curious about this. I have in the past, but then I heard some people making fun of that. Am I out of it? No need to lecture me on wearing whatever I want. :loco: I just want...
  15. Lina

    Satori will get a kick out of this

    My mom had to have her appendix taken out today. And her doctor explained to her how the appendix has no use to us now. And then he said, "And if you believe in evolution, it's because we used to eat grasses and the appendix helped with digestion." What a fucking shame that doctors have...
  16. Lina

    Have you met Opeth?

    Just wondering how many of us have had the honor. And many more will soon! I talked to everyone except Mikael (can you fucking believe that?! :mad: ) after their first time through Virginia. They were soooo nice and approachable! I basically snuck backstage and I was afraid they'd be...
  17. Lina

    Those missionary girls were released. Thoughts?

    We've talked before about those two American girls who were being held in Afghanistan, and the general consensus was that we didn't feel too badly for them. My mom actually called me she was so happy to tell me that they'd been released. Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! She was horrified...
  18. Lina

    Opeth vs. Oprah

    This is sort of a stupid thread, but every time I wear an Opeth shirt, someone thinks it says Oprah. :mad: :tickled: Has this happened to others?
  19. Lina

    Now it's Jo's turn!

    Happy Birthday! (Hoser should be doing this, really. :p hehe) Enjoy your day!
  20. Lina

    Who's doing the picture page now?

    I can't find that thread where Leper said he didn't wanna do it anymore. Is anyone hosting it? Because there are tons of people who haven't emerged from the shadows yet. Come on Satori, Oyo, Soul4Raziel, EVIL, Metalmancpa, luke, Xtokalon, Wolff, Villain -- there's so many!