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  1. MetallicaSux

    Search option.

    I remember there used to be a search option witch i just can't seem to find. Can one still search in the forums?
  2. MetallicaSux

    New Album?

    I know that guys are going to realse a dvd soon, but does anybody know if they are working on any new material? Is there going to be a new album anytime soon?
  3. MetallicaSux

    What is the best known bands Anathema has performed with?

    Tours, festivals,etc etc. Who would you think?
  4. MetallicaSux

    Do you believe in Santa Claus?

    Well, do ya? Or even the tooth fairy. I don't think he will ever come here, i think he will get hi-jacked or raped or something. That is probably why i never get presents :cry:
  5. MetallicaSux

    What is the worst that could happen ......

    New game, all you do is add what is the worst that could happen :) I'll start To a musician.... Broken fingers???
  6. MetallicaSux

    Time for some nice poetry!!!

  7. MetallicaSux


    Before Marriage After Marriage
  8. MetallicaSux

    Gates of Dawn

    I stumbled onto a website with mp3 from a band called Gates of Dawn. I must say that i was very impressed. They are doom orientated and remind me alot of My dying bride. Here is the link and download those mp3's.
  9. MetallicaSux

    Must listen to this.

    Have any of you ever heard of Gates of dawn? They remind me alot of My dying bride and they kick ass, it is really good. Do yourself a favour and download a few songs at I have Masquerade,..and Sorrow danced in Silence...,Swallow and the are all...
  10. MetallicaSux


    This is the thread that you can tell us your deepest darkest secrets. Ill start. My name is metallicasux (ryan real name) and i smoke dope :) Ah i am condemned, i am going to hell. So what is yours?
  11. MetallicaSux

    Have to read this!

    Metallica just seem to over do them selfes everytime, and it just makes me hate them more :)
  12. MetallicaSux


    I know it is maybe a touchy sad subject to bring up, but it is part of life and everybody has to go though it. What do you guys think happen when you die? Where do you think you will go?
  13. MetallicaSux


    Don't know if this has been done before but i thought what the hell. What does you nick mean, where did you come up with it. I came up with mine after i absolutely adored Metallica, i still do, but i am talking about pre 1990's., then this bullshit about napster and now the worst album of all...
  14. MetallicaSux


    I don't know if anybody has noticed this, but on flying, by the second chorus about 2:47 there is this beep. sounds almost like a horn. Don't know what the meaning of this was because it sounds completely out of place and it iterates me everytime a listen to this song. Wonder why it was added.
  15. MetallicaSux

    Console Gaming

    Do you guys own a game console? What is it and what is your fav game? I own a ps2 and i thin the best game so far is pro evolution soccer 3. It is an awsome game, you guys should try it.
  16. MetallicaSux


    Man what an awsome album this is. Sorry if it has been said before, but it took me some time to get into. Anathema albums normally just fall in place for me, but this one, i couldn't get into it at first, but now that i have, it is just brilliant!!!!
  17. MetallicaSux

    I am sad, so sad.

    The anathema forum is gone :erk: Lets sing a song. " Don't you feel like crying, don't you feel like crying, oh baby, cry with me" :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:
  18. MetallicaSux


    What happened to the anathema forum?
  19. MetallicaSux

    The hell with all.......

    That has been putting A Natural Disaster down!!! I eventually got hold of the cd last night and i can forsee that it is going to become one of my favourites!! Awsome cd ..... i mean, what else can you expect from these guys ??
  20. MetallicaSux

    Once again...

    I just can't win... I thought that A NATURAL DISASTER will never be released here but i just had alook at our music shop and it is available. I have ordered it from on the 5th and i am still waiting and i have already paid for it. SO, wtf do i do now, i am pissed off, i want the...