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  1. Nico

    Amerifucks... I seek your advice

    I've recently hatched plans to come and live in the states from about June next year. I intend to start in Minnesota, purchase a motorcycle, and ride south following the Mississippi, taking photos along the way. Spend maybe 3-4 weeks on the road, and then make base in New Orleans. Anyone know...
  2. Nico

    Kingdom of Decay (my doom band)

    Had this project on hiatus for 5 years and recently got it off its arse for a demo. You never know, some of you blokes might be interested, but more than anything I was just hoping for a bit of feedback from the people who introduced me to 90% of the music I love. The recordings were rushed as...
  3. Nico

    This is a Nick Cave thread

    There's a few Nick Cave fans out there, I seen 'em. Recently picked up this Nick Cave and Warren Ellis collab/comp called "White Lunar" that has a bunch of their soundtrack work on it from things like The Assassination of Jesse James, The Proposition and The Road. Honestly some of the most...
  4. Nico

    How the fuck did we wind up here?

    Yes, you.
  5. Nico

    Northern Shadows 'zine

    Hey. I finally got some copies printed up of the latest issue of my magazine. About 2 years after I finished it. So if I promised you a copy, send me your current address. I've got a few old addresses but I know people move around a bit. Email me at You can...
  6. Nico

    Bogans, the AUS version of a chav

    Meet Trent.
  7. Nico

    The Primordial Glare of Pazuzu in the Eye of Death

    First up - credits where credit is due. This is published without permission of the author, whom I believe is Adam Kadmon of Davthvs Appendix. If anyone desires this removed, it shall be done. I wish to share it though, since it sums up a lot of things more concisely than I would ever be capable...
  8. Nico

    Albums of 06

    Since Erik closed the last one and it's getting towards the end of the year... why the fuck not? Thus far, great/amazing: Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain Saturnus - Veronika Decides to Die Drudkh - Blood in Our Wells Negura Bunget - OM Niroth - Niroth Colour Haze - Tempel Dissection - Reinkaos
  9. Nico

    Stuff for trade/sale

    I'd rather stick to trades, but I'm not fussed. Contact me for prices if you want to buy. I send CD's without jewel cases. Shipping anywhere. CD Anthrax - Attack of the killer A's Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt Assassin - The Upcoming Terror/Interstellar Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism Cult...
  10. Nico

    Recommendation: Urfaust - Geist ist Teufel

    Urfaust - Geist ist Teufel 2004 - GoatowaRex Bit of an all-star band here, featuring members of Fluisterwoud, Dimensional Psychosis, Grimm, Gauhaert, and a bunch of others you haven't heard of either. Musically, it sounds like what would happen if Fenriz' Isengard project got a bit too drunk...
  11. Nico

    'appy birfday Dave

    Release a new CD to celebrate! *hint hint*
  12. Nico

    Most important/influencial/creative CURRENT bands

    Back up your claims, generic lists are awfully dull. And don't fucking say Opeth :loco: Edit: Clarification: Bands that you percieve may have a strong part to play in the future development and expantion of metal, musically speaking.
  13. Nico

    Someone upload Lost in Moments for me please

    Class project is to make a flash animation, and I'm doing Lost in Moments, but I left the CD at home and now I've got nothing to do. Help a brother out aye - there's jelly beans* in it for the winner. *metaphorically speaking
  14. Nico

    Por Favour: Mayhemic Truth

    I hadn't even realized (up until about 2 minutes ago) that these guys were pre-Morrigan. So, are they any good? Anything like Morrigan? Anyone willing to upload a track or two to convince me one way or the other?
  15. Nico

    Happy 21st, Demilich (happy 20th, me)

    Because I'm such an attention whore that I created my own birthday thread, but smooth enough to make it about someone else! BEER! :kickass:
  16. Nico

    Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

    So post your ugly-as-sin face-only-a-mother-could-love photos here, for the world to laugh at!
  17. Nico

    Early folkish black metal

    I'm trying to figure out where this all started. From what I can tell, it must've been around 1993 with Satyricon and Ulver, though it could be said Bathory kinda pushed towards that sound a bit on BFD and moreso on Hammerheart. Does anyone know of anything prior to that, or between Bathory and...
  18. Nico

    Some observations

    1. I haven't been here in a few months. I probably won't come back. Not that I've actually found something better to do, but... ...anyway. 2. Erik has an Abyssic Hate avatar :thumbsup: 3. I'm flying 1500km to visit my girlfriend for a week tomorrow. Me > 86.2% of you. 4. Slough Feg's...
  19. Nico

    Shmappey Birthday NightMare

    Bit late, since it was on wednesday, but drinks are being dranke (?). Eh? Drinking with Claws of Perdition, NightMare and myself.
  20. Nico

    Agalloch interview

    Found this while UM was down. Very interesting, very long interview with Don Anderson.