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  1. ImNoHippy

    Hi, Greg.

    Talked to Ryan and John last night. Blown tire equals massive score: And Queen of Sheba are recording a proper session when the boys get home and relax a little. BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR THE PSYCHODELIC IMROV DOOM DRONE!
  2. ImNoHippy

    greg's secret...

    its a secret, dude! :OMG:
  3. ImNoHippy

    Greg swallowed a whole cucumber and lived!

    Yes its true, in his sleep, I slipped a medium sized cucumber down Greg's throat and he doesn't even know it (until now cause hes looking over my shoulder). Now he knows why he isn't hungry for breakfast. D.J.
  4. ImNoHippy

    Calling all stoners and burnouts (xfer)

    Wanna go to Bongzilla tonight? Theyre at the fucking Chopping Block, and I have WEED!?! D.J.
  5. ImNoHippy

    Please post any ideas on how to make money without working here

    think there's anyone in this world that'll give me, say, a few million if i could have it up front and then they could kill me in a couple years or do whatever they want with me? anyone wanna buy some ultra chic sperm paintings i will custom make? they'll be big after i die in a couple years...
  6. ImNoHippy

    Bitches on my dick

    Fuck you all. I love booze and bitches on my dick, so fuck y'all and your pussies and your faggety internet. fuck you bitches!@!!! Big ups to Gordon's and my bitch Seagrams. Fuck you everyone else, you can fuck me, any way uyou liek...........................
  7. ImNoHippy

    kayo dot site down?

    whats up? maintenance? the end of the world? non-local intelligence at play?
  8. ImNoHippy

    Glass Hammer!

    I'm waiting to hear Greg on that website and Glass Hammer is on. I'm amazed.
  9. ImNoHippy


    i found this little metal boutique in amsterdam and i was talking to the guy there and seeing if he would want to sell some kayo dot cds. he says he knows maudlin of the well and has bath. i instantly made him play the cd and he totally dug it. i gave him two more cds and said sell em or give to...
  10. ImNoHippy

    ken park - anyone?

    so anyways, i'm in brussels right now. i didn't go to budapest. not too much night life here especially on a sunday, but lo and behold - ken park. i heard of this movie awhile back. the screenplay is by harmony korrine. i have been searching for this movie at local rental stores and NO ONE has...
  11. ImNoHippy

    I'm new and thread happy....

    What does anyone think of the Swans? I personally love them. :wave:
  12. ImNoHippy

    Is there a faucet dripping in "Manifold Curiosity"?

    Maybe its me but I swear theres like a dripping faucet way deep in the mix of Manifold Curiosity. I've heard other sounds as well, like maybe a train passing "The Antique" as well as the phone... Reminds me of that Bongzilla song where theres someone smoking a bong over a whole song... is kayo...
  13. ImNoHippy

    I wanted to be tough

    so i got a tattoo with the word "fuck" in it. now i feel too tough. anyone wanna fight?