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  1. blackeyed

    What about the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    Were you disappointed to the back teeth, or wowwed beyond belief (please keep quiet if you are in the middle, I couldn't think of a rhyming triplet.........................joking of course..)
  2. blackeyed

    Let's make things interesting next week eh?

    Shall we all have a go at making things interesting next week. Say something horrible, slag someone off - what ever happened to the clone accounts causing trouble - where's that mad raven bird from manchester gone mick? E are lads, we used to have fun...
  3. blackeyed

    5 gangster films/brit pop bands

  4. blackeyed


    Oh where art thou ikeaboy? For I am lost and forlorn in work I yearn for your PMs of untold joy How this cruel twist of time drives me berserk Where is the boy from Ikea? I sit and I wait and I sit I'll just read about hurricane Katrina And wait around for you, you little shit How...
  5. blackeyed

    Guess who's moving the fuck out

    Yes I am branching out on my own as of Friday 16th September. Off to university to study the Finest of Art in Leeds. Anyone needs a bed or fancies coming over the space is here! (It feels good to be able to offer a roof!)
  6. blackeyed

    Builder's Bum no more?

    No sooner has Peter Mandelson called a truce in the great "bra wars" than the European Commission brings us another dispute of the kind you couldn't make up. Today, MEPs will vote on the EU's proposed Optical Radiation directive, which aims to prevent manual workers such as welders from...
  7. blackeyed

    I'm back you wipes.

    Alreet kids from far and wide, I'm back...that's pretty much it. Just been given my internet access for my new job as a website tester! How the feck did I get this job eh? How the feck indeed. Hope y'all have been keeping well.
  8. blackeyed


    ...who's got a new part time job with a phone and a computer...i'm in until 8pm and i've finished everything already. score. ...actually i wish i could just go home
  9. blackeyed

    let's be friends

    stage one: friends stage two: bonking stage three: goes to shit stage four: finish it stage five: friends? reckon it ever really goes like that?
  10. blackeyed

    when the weather is fine

    so how are you all these days then? Up to ewt good? Got married, had babies, bought a dog or a car or a new x box game? but more importantly what are your travel plans for this summer then eh?
  11. blackeyed


    I know there are a few graphics-orientated people between this and the ana-feema forum, so I just want to ask your opinion.. Im leaning more into graphics (film/photography/illustration) lately but my shitty pc laptop is well, shitty. I installed XP onto it last night but it's still slow as...
  12. blackeyed

    favorite childhood memory

  13. blackeyed

    christmas decs

    anyone near yours still got their christmas decorations up...theres loads of people here...isnt it supposed to be 12 days after christmas or something?
  14. blackeyed


    just wanted to say hi to everyone, NY is ok -14 today snowed last night....toes are bloody freezing! the music shopping is a bit crap - off to find tower records today though. hope everybody is having an ok holiday time thing. speak to yer later :wave: anyone else whos away, duncan...
  15. blackeyed

    whatever happened to...

  16. blackeyed

    sore throat

    do you reckon Lockets or any of those throat lozenges work?
  17. blackeyed

    help me out?

    do me a favour please, can you all find me some pictures of grosely overweight people. i'm studying some artist's work and she made herself look loads loads bigger than she is so i'm just trying to get a collection to together for reference....just taking me ages on my own because google is...
  18. blackeyed

    Textures appreciation thread

    I know nobody's all that arsed but.. Went to a gig last night and one band was called Hiding With Girls and it turns out that the guitarist from Textures produced them. I was a bit puzzled by the fact that the Textures album was on the merch stand, because I bought it when I went to see Cult...
  19. blackeyed


    I went to a gig last night in Manc (Alexisonfire and The Bled) full of run of the mill scene kids with band t shirts and studded belts and piercings and guess what they play fragile dreams!!!!!!!!! I was proper gobsmacked. Victoria you missed out my dear child (p.s. vik, gerrard paid...
  20. blackeyed

    nice things that bands do...

    There's this one guy, my boyfriend was telling me last night, who's project is called One Line Drawing, singer/song writer (check it out Dries ;) ) who is really generous when it come to merch. It started out as an acoustic projet but now he has session musicians at bigger gigs, well anyway...