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    Bombings in Oslo

    I wish everyone in and near Oslo, and their families, the best of luck and safety. I hope noone of the Borknagar family was in Oslo at that time. I was really shocked when I read the news. Also the shootings on the island...terrible..
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    Inferno Festival 2010

    Yo, would it be possible to get a unofficial confirmation that you will be on Inferno Festival 2010? I'm currently planning if it's possible to arrange something for me and my gf to go to Inferno in 2010. Gonna cost alot, so I want to make sure that I will see Borknagar then also!
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    Anyone remember Patricia (their webmaster(webmistress? :p) back then) saying the site would be back with the forum? ... It's been like 2 years and haven't heared anything! Would be nice to have a dedicated Arcturus forum again.. Anyone who can contact her?
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    Asgeir's idol

    This is where he gets his inspiration from. Awesome drumming!
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    Arcturus (Hellhammer) fans; rare footage (just 1 min though)

    Thought I'd share it with you, 1 minute of rare (I think) Hellhammer footage! (don't have much more, sorry). CLICK HERE Enjoy :goggly:
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    Your top 3 memorable music bits

    Post your top 3 music bits/parts, of any song, which are so awesome/beautiful you won't forget them. Try to post the lyrics or so too so other people can listen as well!! #3: Citizen Erased by Muse. First there are 'dark' guitars, then he starts singing and when he starts singing 'For one...
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    Did you know that ...

    ... Nocturnal Vision Revisited by Arcturus is a sequel of Nocturnal Vision by Borknagar? ... The View Of Everlast is the only song (of Mr. V's albums but before the album Origin and without instrumental tracks) without growl vocals? ... Asgeir actually is a woman? ... the song White on...
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    Topic from 2002 about acoustic album

    Pretty funny, was browsing the forum and came across this post: It's from 2002! And there were already speculations about this (Origin :p) acoustic album, only Asgeir didn't know about it haha :p
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    Grains - Lyrics, can't figure them out!

    Hello all! The first thing I do next month is buying Borknagar - Origin. It's an epic master piece again! Now, as almost all of you I already heard it, and like I said, it's awesome! My favorite song so far is Grains - I love the vocals and the musical parts. However, the lyrics are keeping me...
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    hmm Mr. Midnight flyer lyrics in booklet?

    Hello, I recently received the Waterclime CD (together with Cronian) and I must say I really love it! Great job Mr. V. Anyway, as I was reading the lyrics while listening to the great songs, I noticed there isn't any lyrics of Midnight Flyer in the booklet. Was this intended, and why, or just a...
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    Happy new year!

    Hi guys! Wanted to wish you all a happy and metal-y new year!! Let's hope 2006 brings some great albums with it (Borknagar - Vintersorg - etc!)!! Take care, and see ya all next year (which is in 4 hours :p). Greetingz, Giorgio
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    Asgeir - do us a favor and record the Oslo show and share with us! :P

    Hey, since you guys will be doing 1 gig this year in Oslo (30 september) it would be damn cool if you guys recorded it and maybe upload it on the official site! Alot of people won't be able to go to the gig (including me :p) but I would loooove to see some new live stuff! Or is it planned for...
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    About the official site :p

    When the new site launched a few months ago, this was in the news: "And last but not least, from now on you'll find news here too." Has any of you seen news there after the new site has been launched?Not me! hehe :p Now I'm wondering what happened to the webmaster and if the site is gonna...
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    The end of Borknagar!!

    I just had a little conversation with Asgeir through e-mail...and he told me some bad news =( Borknagar is gonna split!It's true...they are too busy with other stuff (like work) and they have no more time for Borknagar. Sucks :( Guess we have to wait for an official statement..
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    Arcturus question (I know this isn't really Borknagar related...)

    Hello!! First of all I wanna wish all of you a happy 2005!! Anyway, I got a question about Arcturus.Asgeir, maybe you can confirm this rumor? I've read on the Arcturus board that Oyvind has left Arcturus, and that Simen is back!! So, can anyone confirm this? I love the sound of Vortex and it...
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    Vintersorg and a Borknagar fan in The Sims 2 !!!

    Look !!!! :p (sorry couldn't make Vintersorg look better :p Some things weren't editable...)...!!
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    lol, a song (in midi) I made, just for fun :p

    Here's a song or something I was working on. I know it doesn't make any sense, but it's fun making stupid songs :p There are some 'The Wonder' influences on it :p :p It's not finished yet, still adding some stuff to it etc. :p Just...
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    Jökeln midi

    Since Jökeln is one of my favorite songs, I decided to start working on a midi of it, just for fun. I made an MP3 of it, please tell me if it sounds all right or not !!! It's still just the beginning !!
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    Fission - Crater sample Dunno if you guys have heard it yet - saw it on the Napalm Records site!! Really cool song !!!
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    Give me your opinion please - was trying some midi stuff out !!

    Hey, I was messing around a bit with Cakewalk Pro Audio, and decided to try making The Wonder. So, I just made a part of The Wonder into midi. Here's the file (made it MP3): Please tell me how it sounds and if it's correct or not !! I might...