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  1. B

    My PP XII Haul & Thoughts

    Hey Gang, Been a long time since i posted but that is because I have been busy listening to new music for PP XII. This was the first year that i did not own a any cd's from the bands playing this year at the main festival. Needless to say, I have been busy. Before I get started, I would...
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    A couple of questions for Glenn

    Hey Glenn, Look forward to seeing you in 57 days, not like i am counting or anything. I have searched the board and have not seen the answer to this. I am going to be coming in on Friday. What time can i come by and pick up my gold badge. Since the show starts early this year, I want to...
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    New Line-up

    Hello gang, I am sorry if this has been posted already but has the new roster for Friday and Sat nite been posted? For some reason I can not view the main PP page but can view the forum. So I was wondering if someone could post it here. I am sorry if I am jumping the gun or if this has...
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    Recent Haul Thoughts

    Hey Gang, Last night i posted my thoughts on some recent PP XI discs but I have also purchased some other discs and wanted to share my thoughts. I had so much fun with the PP cd's that i think I will continue that tradition and pick up cd's from the bands that are playing at PP that I am not...
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    PP XI - Cd Haul and thoughts

    Hello gang, This is the first year i have purchased cd's of the bands that I have never heard of who are playing at the next PP. Typical me, I have never heard of most of the bands and decided instead of seeing if i like them live, i will go ahead and get familiar with them so i can sing...
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    StormWarrior help

    Hello All, I am looking to buy Heading Northe but can't seem to find it anywhere. I loved the clip I heard at PPX and want to get my hands on this cd. Where are all of you finding this cd? Thanks,
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    My PPX Haul

    Hello all, Every year at pp i buy my cd's first thing friday afternoon before the bands start playing. So this is what I bought before I knew who was playing at next year's show. Primal Fear - 16.6 - I like the crunch of this cd but for some reason this one did not grab me like their...
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    My thoughts on PP X and PPXI

    Hello all, I wanted give my thoughts on this year's show and what i think of the line-up for next year. This year's show was amazing. I typically only know a few of the bands at each show so every year I find a new band that I love. This year was a bit different because I was very...
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    PPX got a few cd's to check out

    Hello Gang, I have had time to digest the anouncement of bands for this show. Glenn, I think it is an excellent idea to announce the bands at the show. This gives us plenty of time to check out the bands that we have never heard of. For someone like me, that is usually a lot of cd's i have...
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    Where are they now????

    Hey gang, After writing my thoughts about the new evergrey, i wonder what happened to a lot of people that I used to listen to. Any information on these people would be greatly appreciated. Patrick - former evergrey drummer, this guy was one of my favorites. is he still around...
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    Evergrey - Torn

    hey gang, i picked this cd up 2 weeks ago and have listened to it non-stop since i bought it. i have to say that i am really liking this cd. is it the old evergrey - i don't think so but i will say it is back to the dark depressing style that i love from them. Tom's vocals are amazing on...
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    Hey Glenn

    Hey Glenn, Since the post you made here about the new Evergrey album saying you would post your thoughts soon, I have been on pins and needles wondering what your thoughts on it were. Will that be coming soon? I am very excited about this one. The sound samples and you saying it is similar...
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    Circus Maximus

    hey gang, i was in my car and the only 2 cd's i had in the car were the circus maximus discs. so i played the hell out of them back to back and my conclusion is this. While the 1st one is an amazing disc and a great debut, it to me shows the talent of the band but does have some moments when...
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    Mercenary - The New Disc

    Hey Gang, I am about to place an order for the newest Mercenary cd and have not heard anything about it. Can you all give me a description of the cd? Production? Are the growls more so than on 11 dreams? Is the cd more like the last cd but with more growls? I love the last 2 cd's from...
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    Question for Glenn about Volbeat

    Hey Glenn, Just curious to know if Volbeat might be considered for a future PP show? I know you really wanted to see them but at the same time I think you really got the shaft from the Mgmt team. What are your thoughts on this? Just curious. Thanks, Brand
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    Firewind - The Premonition

    Hey Gang, First off I have to say thanks to Glenn for suggesting that I get their cd last year. Once i put their last cd in my player, I was hooked. I then picked up the disc with Chity singing and love it as well. Firewind's performance at PP was amazing and I hope they will come back and...
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    Pagan's Mind - God's Equation

    Hey Gang, I also got the new Pagan's Mind cd for Christmas too. Wow, where to start?? I remember being at ProgPower when Pagan's Mind was the opener the 2nd night. My brother was with me for that PP and he asked me who they were and I said i had never heard of them. i am one of those...
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    Riverside - Rapid Eye Movement

    Hello Gang, Let me first get this out in the open. I typically do not like the Progressive style of music. I myself find I like the power side of ProgPower better. I do like bands that have a mixture of both but I have to say that the heaviness of the power side wins me over. After...
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    Okay, i know i am a little late with this but I just heard the clip Lost in Space on Your Tube and I love it. A little soft for my liking but catchy as hell. What caught me off guard was that it was Tobias singing. Did I miss something? I have never been an Edguy Fan due to the accent of...
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    need help with live365

    hello gang, i am having trouble listening to any of their stations. I know awhile back that there was some posts about on-line music not being free anymore. Is this the case? For the last 2 months I have gone to LIVE 365 specifically the Epic Rock Radio station and it never connects me to...