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  1. Dred

    Dear Neverboard,

    Thanks for letting me be that guy who walks into the party uninvited, drinks a few beers he didn't pay for, doesn't say much to anyone, and leaves as quickly as he came. It's been real.
  2. Dred

    1 guy. 1 guitar. Too much free time.

  3. Dred


    Sooo...I couldn't give a shit less about the Superbowl, though I'll watch it for the commercials. The NHL this year...Wowee! My B's are on fire....tied for 1st w/ the San Jose Sharks. The Celtics are doing well too, but I loathe basketball. Pitchers and catchers report in about 3 weeks...
  4. Dred

    The Axis of Awesome: 4 Chords

    I'm a motherfuckin' birdplane!
  5. Dred

    If any of you are in the Atlanta, GA area... This looks freakin' amazing, and it's brought to you by Honda....AND IT'S FREE!!1! Mastodon, Neurosis, 1349, Baroness, Rwake, Wolves in the Throneroom, Tyr, High on Fire, Alestorm (lol,)...
  6. Dred


    Fuck you....I want my own thread. Mods, feel free to delete in 7 days time: Okay so, here's the deal; There's this girl I kinda dig, and she's pretty cool....a little odd (but I like that,) thing is she's like über-christian. I mean like, 100% full on, virgin 'til marriage, reads the...
  7. Dred

    Soooooo.....I'm kind of a crappy person

    So this girl I know* recorded a song, and sent it to me...and I had the overwhelming urge to upload it to the internet and share it with people I don't really know (like ya do.) :) *by know I mean, I had a couple classes with her in college, and for some reason felt the need to contact me 2.5...
  8. Dred

    RIP Betty Page

    Betty Page dies at the age of 85 Tons of pics here Holy christ was she hot.
  9. Dred

    We Wish You A Metal Christmas!

    I don't give a fuck if this is old news....this has officially put me in the Christmas mood. I recommend you go out and get this IMMEDIATELY! :lol: :kickass:
  10. Dred

    Dude takes pills, turns on webcam, tells forum he's gonna die...lulz ensue

    Sorry's not me.
  11. Dred

  12. Dred

    Dear US Citizens over the age of 18

    I hope you faggots voted today Gobama!
  13. Dred

    COB:OT Iron Chef

    Since I've done a bit of experimental cooking the last few days, I figured I may as well start a thread about it on the internet (like ya do.) So here's tonight's dinner: Steak with balsamic reduction, blue cheese and caramelized onions. Grilled veggies, brown rice (with soy sauce, hoisin...
  14. Dred

    Non-metal music stuffs (recommendations)

    I'm bored of metal....except for Baroness (whom I just discovered,) so I'm looking for recommendations that are not metal at all Bands I've recently gotten into, not saying you need to recommend me stuff that's similar, I'm just throwing them out there: Andrew Jackson Jihad Arcade Fire...
  15. Dred

    Call me insensitive....

    HOLY FUCK! This far...the creepiest....most disturbing website I've ever come across. It beats out tubgirl, goatse and lemonparty all in one...and is totally SFW $10 says they're all from the Bible belt
  16. Dred


    Recommend me some. I've seen: -Samurai Champloo -Afro Samurai -Deathnote -Akira
  17. Dred

    Oh yeah....the NBA finals are on.

    Fuck basketball. Celtics fever is everywhere here in MA, but it's all a bunch of bandwagon jumpers (we call them pinkhats, due to so many chicks who know nothing about sports wearing pink team apparel.) I'm also tired of the Red Sox. Yay. We won twice. It's boring now. I just want more...
  18. Dred

    I think this forum seriously needs a "Thanks" button.

    There are so many times I wanna give someone kudos for a joke, post, etc. and just wanna give them a pat on the back instead of an actual reply. ?
  19. Dred

    NHL Playoffs

    It's getting to be that time of year playoff time (best time of the year for sports IMO) B's pretty much knocked the leafs out of it last night, and looks like Philly beat the Rangers (sorry Nicki, I was rooting for them to lose.) Oh yeah....and fuck the Habs.
  20. Dred

    If Homer Simpson were real (this is the creepiest fucking thing Ive seen in a while)