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  1. S

    Screamo band with real drums Having trouble wrapping up this mix for a friend's band... what do you guys think? some info... all guitars tracked with amp heads but DI using impulse. drums were tracked live in a nice room. bass is also di with impulses through some...
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    keeping consistent sound in projects with many songs?

    Just wondering if you guys had any tricks or tips that have helped when dealing with the inevitable "ok I made one tweak to the drums here, now have to change across all 10 other songs..." in cubase I usually select the channels I want to copy and save them to a folder named "settings" within...
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    96k vs 44.1k... big difference

    Have any of you guys tried opening files with lots of virtual instruments in 96k before? All I have to say is WOW... synths much more open sounding and a bit less 'digital' (dont we all hate hearing that term?) One thing that I noticed was guitars (at least through podfarm) were much different...
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    clean, even sounding overheads

    Just wondering if joey or anybody could shed any light on how to achieve such clean overhead tracks? Each hit is very even in velocity and each cymbal has good separation with almost no room tone from the drums. Meticulous sample replacing of the whole cymbal performance? Tons of drum punch...
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    my new toy!

    5150 3! havent had an amp of my own in over a year so i decided to splurge today, got a good deal on craigslist and its mint! sounds badass and is a big fuckin amp! had to share :muahaha:
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    grindcore band i recorded recently... bree's and basshitzz Pretty straightforward type of band, gutteral brees and breakdowns mostly. lepou 456 here and all slate drums. Comments? edit: final mix
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    more lakeview

    Finishing up another mix for the band in my earlier "local screamo/singing band..." thread. Rockin lepou 456 guitars with catharsis' impulses and slated drums. Any mix critiques would be much appreciated!
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    monday night football theme song cover

    Had fun tracking this the other day with a guitarist friend of mine, came out cooler than I expected! Guitars are all lextac and aradaz ourcabinet, drums are slate. Any mix comments?
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    More from the metalcore band im recording More from a band called In Alcatraz that I'm juuuust about done with. Reworked this mix a bit. Drums were tracked live, lepou legion and 456 on guitars this time (legion on left speaker 456 on right) and into a mixture catharsis's...
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    local screamo/singing band im workin with Kinda a day to remember-ish, the band has 4 vocalists (one screamer, drummer does most clean vox and guitar/bass also sing) so it was a lot of different vocal tones to mess with, pretty fun! Guitars are lepou 456 this time, lextacy for some leads...
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    metalcore band im workin with... real drums! nearing completion of a mix for a local band ive worked with for a while, tell me what you guys think! tracked drums on this one, guitar is lepou legion, bass is ampeg svx. vox through at4050 in to great river 500 series preamp edit: newer mix...
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    screamo singing type band i just started that i just started recording that is... work in progress, slate drums mixed with superior 2. lepou 456 for guitars edit: newer mix/different track
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    Song for my side-breakdown band. Got to mic an 8x10! Havent posted anything in a while so I thought I'd share a work in progress (but probably close to finished!) song I've been working on the past couple days for a band I kind of play guitar in with some friends. Drums...
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    tech metal group wip "murderwalkjune09" finishin up some mixes, tell me what you think! some details: drums were live but completely sampled, guitars through one of those line6 bogner heads and my mesa cab with a 57, bass is di through my great river...
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    mix im workin on... real drums/miced cabs!

    finished tracking a few songs for a local band and been mixing today... what do you guys think? kick and snare are samples... and im kinda hating the snare one i picked listening back now, everything else is acoustic... guitars are reamped 6505 into mesa cab with a 57 drums are nt5...
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    trying to make an IR of my car stereo, can any convolution pros give me some guidance

    so it occured to me that the easiest place for me to judge a mix is in my car stereo since ive been listening to it for a good 5 years. whenever I burn my stuff on a cd to check on my car system its very obvious to me where the flaws are and helps me judge the highs and low mids well So I had...
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    death metal band im recording "aplaud the impaler" drums are programmed, guitars mix of dual recto and 5150 and impulses. bass is di with a metalzone! the metalzone made the bass tone fucking sick! tell me what you all think!
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    real drums!

    just wanted to share this, i dont get many chances to record acoustic drums but i thought this session came out kind of cool so far "inalc drumtest" kick and snare are replaced 100%, toms arent triggered. kit was a pretty nice DW...
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    death metal!!! give me critiques before this gets mastered! "mix1" gettin verrry close to the deadline to send this out, anyone care to point out my flaws? :heh: drums are dfhs/slate, guitars 5150 mixed slightly with stilleto, bass svt classic, vox through at4050
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    death metal, real drums!

    drums tracked live with nt5s for overheads, mk012s for ride/china, at4050 hihat, sm57 snare, kick triggered, e604's on toms guitars were tracked using a line 6 hd100 spidervalve, sounded better than i thought it would. vox through at4050 new to recording real live drums so it was fun to do...