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  1. HalfpintHenkka

    ahahaha:D oh the memories....

    isn't it funny how sometimes you stumble upon things that you used to love but somehow forgot over the years? recently upon cleaning out the boxes under my bed i found an old CD of mine that i've had since about 10yrs ago..."Kermit Unpigged" is its name and it's one of those Muppet albums...
  2. HalfpintHenkka

    15 Points Of Adivce- Something for Us Girls

    ok so here goes...something i got from a friend. When it comes to guys, keep in mind the following "15 Points Of Advice": 1. Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he's in diapers. 2. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door. 3. If they put a man on the moon...
  3. HalfpintHenkka

    Happy Birthday NeedledWarheart!

    ok, so here it's a bit early still, but over there in the land of kilts, haggis, and cabers, it's already early in the morning. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAVIN!!!! yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum and birthday cake! :Spin: :wave: :rock: :kickass: