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  1. dezar

    I dont know if you want to read all of this....

    Someone asked if anyone was going to put everyones posts from the 3 word story together. Well in my other forum we did something similar but we were not restricted to 3 words... here is the first 3 pages out of the 15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  2. dezar

    found unreal smiles

    I found some Unreal Tornament Smiles
  3. dezar

    Fear Factory-Archetype

    Has some good songs I think here is info about the album Click here
  4. dezar

    Rate The Avatar Of The Previous Poster

    Rate the poster's avatar above yours.
  5. dezar

    How many of you people hate that guy on those six flag comercials

    I do, and those damn fanta girls
  6. dezar

    What was the first game you ever played?

    For me it was pacman at the arcade
  7. dezar

    Rate the insult of the user above you!!!

    It's easy, I'll start As a failure, you are a great success
  8. dezar

    I'm new

    Greetings, I'm new :kickass: