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  1. Thraxz

    You guys should like this band!

    I stole this link from elsewhere on this forum but it's intriguing enough to repost in here. You should like it. It's, "WTF, condensed into music... but good!"
  2. Thraxz

    For Old Time's Sake, Watch this.

    This has been posted before, but some of you newbies never got the chance to watch it, and so, for your viewing entertainment, I present... Slipknot Owns Your Soul! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. Thraxz

    OT: Our World is Doomed... All I have to say is... I pity the world where college students DO NOT KNOW ABOUT THE REQUIREMENT THE BODY HAS FOR OXYGEN! How retarded can you get? Proof of natural selection.
  4. Thraxz

    For Old-Time's Sake, Watch This

    This has been posted before, but some of you newbies never got the chance to watch it, and so, for your viewing entertainment, I present... Slipknot Owns Your Soul! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Thraxz

    Humorous MP3 Tags

    Well, I've already posted this elsewhere but it's funny enough to warrant another post here. I finally bought Blood Fire Death and instantly ripped it to MP3... and I tried to play it... and couldn't find the MP3s. I then noticed something new... I looked at the tag... Looked at CD...
  6. Thraxz

    Humorous MP3 Tags

    Well, I finally bought Blood Fire Death and instantly ripped it to MP3... and I tried to play it... and couldn't find the MP3s. I then noticed something new...
  7. Thraxz

    I'm looking for a band site

    I just can't seem to find the old thread where someone linked to the Swedish thrash band Corrupt's website. I need to redownload their tracks but can't even find the damn site on google or find it by searching here on UM. Does anybody know it? Thanks.
  8. Thraxz

    Coroner: listen to them, now!

    I've recently decided that my thrash collection sucks nads. After looking around a bit (at recommendations), I've found a few really awesome bands. My newest purchase has been Coroner - Punishment for Decadence and, holy crap, it's been kicking my ass! I normally wouldn't mention such a common...
  9. Thraxz

    Coroner, listen to them, now!

    I've recently decided that my thrash collection sucks nads. After looking around a bit, I've found a few really awesome bands. My newest purchase has been Coroner - Punishment for Decadence and, holy crap, it's been kicking my ass! I normally wouldn't mention it at the SY X forums but the...
  10. Thraxz

    Lord Belial

    Okay I've only managed to get about three songs(I.E. Desolate Passage, Monarchy of Death) from them and so far I like it an awful lot for black metal. I'd like somone to: A) Point me at an album that is Lord Belial at their best. B) and/or, point me at a place to get high quality MP3's of...
  11. Thraxz

    New Galloglass Album: Heavenseeker

    I've gotta say... after the first three songs are out of the way this album kicks my ass. The thrash flavor imparted by one of my favorite guitarists, Jeff Waters, really sets this album apart from their last effort which I also loved. Verdict: If you like thrashy power, get it. Any...
  12. Thraxz

    MASSIVELY OT: Imports and their supposed superiority.

    Go ahead and delete this if you don't want it around but I read it on another board and really liked it. OK, kids........ Lately, the press (and others) have had a field day bashing GM. Quite frankly, we’ve been accused of everything short of the Lindberg baby kidnapping. (that will be...
  13. Thraxz

    OT: I thought this was funny.

    Here's a prime example of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" offered by an English professor: The professor told his class one day: "Today we will experiment with a new form called the tandem story. The process is simple. Each person will pair off with the person sitting to his...
  14. Thraxz


    Has anybody else found Ayreon's Day Sixteen: Loser amazingly addicting? I can't go one day without listening to it two or three times. It's just the driving riff combined with the celtic/digeridoo(SP?) really floats my boat. BTW: That guys dad is a huge jerk-off.
  15. Thraxz

    Gamma Ray: Majestic

    So, Gamma Ray's new CD is out. I got today and on my way home, holy shit. At first, the cd is good but nothing to make you nut your pants. Then track number 7, "Spiritual Dictator," hits and holy shit. Kai Hansen comes back in all of his guitaring glory from then on. "Majesty" the...
  16. Thraxz

    Jean-Pierre For President.

    Seeing as how JP has been moderating 100x more effectively than GoD ever did, I'd like to nominate JP in oh-eight. (Oh yeah, thanks for locking bullshit threads like this one.)
  17. Thraxz

    Gamma Ray

    I initially bought Gamma Ray's Powerplant and Heading for Tomorrow albums and found them to be awesome thrashy power metal albums. I've gotten a few others recently (Sigh No More, Insanity and Genius, etc.) and have really noticed they, "went prog." Does anyone think so too?
  18. Thraxz

    Ramma Gay!

    Well, it appears that Gamma Ray has finally got their new album, Majestic's, sound samples out... ... and, holy shit, Hansen comes through again with another badass album. :worship: :rock: :worship:
  19. Thraxz

    Off Topic: Krigloch's Avater

    I think we should start captioning this. It looks like comedic gold. I'll start. "After bathing, Madam Bathory began to realize there might have been a slight miscommunication."
  20. Thraxz

    Off Topic: New Orleans

    On behalf of the country that has utterly failed you, I'm sorry. I only hope it's not too late for us all to help. From the pictures I see, even I am tempted to dispair but I won't. I certainly hop you won't either. America's coming to help. We promise. ~Thraxz