Search results

  1. johnzorn

    External Amplifier EQ's

    This might have been covered sometime eons ago, but since the search function isn't working yet, I might to have to repeat a question already answered, so sorry in advance. I'm currently looking for an external EQ for use with my preamp (old school Rocktron Pro Gap). I curious as to what you...
  2. johnzorn

    OT: What those who do not know fear

    So today I took my Charvel Model 6 into the local, trusty music store to get it tune to B (the dude who sets up guitars is an awesome guy and has done good work for me so far, though he's never had to set my guitar up to B yet). The dude who was behind the desk at the time (not the dude who...
  3. johnzorn

    Snare replacement question

    I know we all talk about getting that metal "boom boom clicky" sound (and Andy's new samples are pimp as shit for that), but I have a question about the snare replacement. I'm very content with doing the 50/50 blend to give a nice, thick "pop", but do you guys just replace the top of the snare...
  4. johnzorn

    Things I learned on while I was home this weekend

    1. I didn't know ESP guitar had advertisements on TV. Showing various metal/metalcore bands that rock their brand name. 2. The new Opeth video was very abridged and was that Gene Hoglan on drums?(this is probably old news). 3. The new Cephalic Carnage video is damn good and funny at the...
  5. johnzorn

    New Soulfly

    I have to say the new Soulfy album has surprised me. I went in thinking it was gonna be a rehash of things said and done before, just probably lower and more groove layed out. But to my surprise there's some speed, dynamics and good riffage. Also Marc Rizzo has done a 180 to me. I didn't...
  6. johnzorn

    Byzantine "And They Shall Take Up Serpants"

    Listening to the new Byzantine and coming to the conclusion that both Chris Ojeda and Tony Rohrbough got some chops on them. A little bit of the Allan Holdsworth thing, with some shred and taste and mix pretty damned well. Though the clean singing seems a bit strained at times, still sits...
  7. johnzorn

    Pantera tone thru the years

    Upon going thru my Pantera albums, the Dimebags Randall tone is kind of like a nice sweet and sour soup. Its got that touch of pierecing high end mixed with a tight low end that brings out the crunch. Then he busts into a solo and makes the tone just break up and scream. Just shows how much...
  8. johnzorn

    Spiral Architect Info

    Hey Neil, I totatly didn't know you produced Spiral Architect "A Sceptic's Universe." Maybe you've hit on this info in the past but what amps and guitar gear did they use. I'm not out to reproduce the tone or anything, I'm use curious as to how they got those awesome lead and crunch tones...
  9. johnzorn

    The Gear I saw at the show

    So I just saw The Autumn Offering, Cattle Decapitation, and Cryptopsy, and as most gear heads are, I'm sure some want to know the gear they use. Well, The Autumn Offering was more of a metalcore band and put on a pretty decent show. Gear wise both guitarist used 5150's (Jackson Kelly, and...
  10. johnzorn

    Going the Way of the Buffalo

    So yeah, after fighting with Amplitube and Guitar Rig and not really getting any tolerable sounds, I'm going with a Pod XT. When I get it I hope to get it up and running and be able to contribute to the forum and make some serious music. Thanks everyone on the board for their Pod samples and...
  11. johnzorn

    No school like the old school

    Just to be off the topic of music for a second. For those who dispise XP because it isn't DOS friendly and want to play many of the old games you still (I still fiend for Syndcate Wars and Bloodnet)...
  12. johnzorn

    No school like the old school

  13. johnzorn

    Cost of porn from Sky Digital

    I've always noticed that on your page it says porn is at an extra cost. How much is the extra cost and do you just tack it onto the whole production cost? Plus how big is the TV screen and is it in surround sound? Also for coffee do you have anything besides just a coffee machine? I'm more a...
  14. johnzorn

    Saving your hearing for the details

    This question goes out to everyone on the boards and to Andy, James, who ever else has been recording loud music for years. How do you keep your hearing in tip top shape so you can hear the details and know what to take out or put into the tracks. I know over time hearing degenerates and it...
  15. johnzorn

    Anyone know the history behind drum "samples"?

    This has sparked my curiosty recently because of how many of use talk of using "this" or "that" certain kick sample or snare sample. Where the need for "samples" come from anyway. Is that some band was playing really fast and loud and the kick drum got drowned out and the producer said, "Hum...
  16. johnzorn

    Rich Ward JCM 800 Question (Andy, anybody..)

    On the topic of tone, I've always been a fan of Rich Ward's JCM 800 tones with Stuck Mojo. I was curious as to if his samp was stock, if he used pedals, or if he had some extras. I know his guitar was a Les Paul with Seymour Duncans and in Drop C? So this question goes out to Andy or anyone...
  17. johnzorn

    All Pod users (old school, XT, XT Pro)

    All of the samples you guys hav posted of Pod in all versions and forms have gotten me wanting one. I used to have a regular Pod Pro years ago but my computer wasn't up to par enough to use it with direct recording, so I was left with using it with my Mesa 50/50 power amp and 4x12. The tone...
  18. johnzorn

    Definition of Good Guitar Tone

    I know we here talk about what guitar tones are "good" and "shitty". I was wondering how you guys in general define good tone and bad tone. All the talk of tube, solid state and digital aside, what characterists are need to you individually to be classified as a "good tone". I know there will...
  19. johnzorn

    Any other producers you favor and wish they had forums?

    I was(still am) a big Colin Richardson freak and wish he would get with the computer age and talk to US!!! *l* How old is Colin anywho? Need it matter, since age doesn't effect the heaviness of your albums. Also Barry Poynter, Terry Date, Eric Rachel, Steve Evetts. That one Zeuss guy ain't...
  20. johnzorn

    *In Jerry Seinfeld voice*

    So what's up with the Swedish and the low tunings anyway? Is it because of the cold they have to tune low to make up for the neck warpage? *chuckle chuckle* :Smug: But seriously, cold weather blows and my neck don't like it either(Ibanez RG 421). So ya know what, I tuned the bitch to A...