Search results

  1. JenniferLynn

    Airline tix - for those who are waiting for good prices..

    Just wanted to let anyone waiting for good airline prices and have been keeping an eye out (like me), it may be a good time to snatch 'em up. I just got my roundtrip, non-stop tix from Dulles to Atlanta for $290. They were $336 2 weeks ago and $450 about 6 weeks ago. I hope this helps...
  2. JenniferLynn

    Searching for roomies for next year - never too early

    Hey all!@! My usual roomies won't be attending next year and I am in search for anyone looking to spilt a room they have booked - Rez or Artmore, no matter to me, I just need a couch. Yeah, yeah I'm starting early.. but the way these tix are selling like popsicles in July, I'm not taking any...
  3. JenniferLynn

    Anyone Watching American Horror Story?

    By far my favorite new show.... Just enough weird n' creepy to make me wonder if anyone really knows what in the HELL is going on~!!!!!
  4. JenniferLynn

    A thought for your country...

    I just wanted to post something about the attacks that happened in Norway a few days ago. I sincerely hope that none of your families were directly affected by such a tragedy and know that the world was affected by the audacity of one. Many prayers to your countrymen and your country
  5. JenniferLynn

    Falling Skies anyone??

    I'm sure there are others here watching it... I just did a catch up over the weekend and about to watch last night's episode. What do you guys think of it?? I'm definitely enjoying it.. and is it just me or when you saw Pope did you think, 'holy shit he looks like Glenn!!'
  6. JenniferLynn

    A Norwegian Tie in....

    So I'd heard about this movie for awhile and found it on Comcast (cable company) OnDemand - nothing on Netflix yet!! - and splurged for the $7 to watch it... :popcorn: A Norwegian film and subtitled called Troll Hunter... Buy it, rent it, watch it with the fam-damnily.. It is AWESOME... If...
  7. JenniferLynn

    Question - Song Subject: Angelmaker

    I knew that the story sounded so familiar and I couldn't place it.... But I finally found it.. . I was wondering if Angelmaker is based on Amelia Dyer...
  8. JenniferLynn

    Mike singing with Kamelot from ProgPower In case you guys haven't seen this.. Here's a taste of what us at ProgPower got to experience :grin:
  9. JenniferLynn

    Raising Hope...

    I was wondering if anyone has caught this show... it's right up there with Modern Family and Big Bang Theory for me.. I laugh my ass off during each episode - some of the humor is right up front, but sometimes its kinda in the background a little.. You gotta pay attention to get it some times...
  10. JenniferLynn

    ProgPower XI pics The link was posted over at the ProgPowerUSA board but for those who may not have seen it... Enjoy.. Esa is definitely one of the best photographers at the 'fest...
  11. JenniferLynn

    New movies...

    I just saw The Wolfman over the weekend... I enjoyed it. Now it's not a 'holy crap what a great movie' film but I liked that it paid hommage to the old flick but still got a wee bit modernized... (while people were 'eewwww'ing and grossing out over kill scenes, I'm yelling 'sweet!!' and 'that...
  12. JenniferLynn

    Seasonal beers - Fall

    Well it's that time of year all... Octoberfests have been out for a couple weeks here but for me the Pumpkin Ales are out and this is the year I'm determined to try one... That being said, Wegman's is stockpiled with about 8 - 10 different choices. The ones I remember - Dogfish Head...
  13. JenniferLynn

    ProgPower X

    I just wanted to throw up a little something here.... ProgPower X was f'n amazing... CM's Wed night show was such a blast and Saturday's just totally blew me away all over again.. It was like seeing you guys live for the first time, all over again.. Thanks for not only being stellar...
  14. JenniferLynn

    Saw n' had to share... Great stuff... Truls doing the 'can't get enough' for the Kiss tune was :p
  15. JenniferLynn

    Could be a dumb question...

    With 'Isolate' there was an underlying 'theme/ story' to the songs... Is the writing for numero 3 pretty much straight forward or is there possibly another common theme?? (.... 33 days til ProgPower :Smokin: )
  16. JenniferLynn


    Ok so I heard about this beer on a radio show - they sampled and raved about it - and I was lucky enough to find it in a Wegman's (greatest grocery store on earth) by me.. It's called Delirium Nocturnum (I've also sampled the Delirium Tremons) and it's a not so heavy, not hoppy, smooth...
  17. JenniferLynn

    Cirrha Niva - Anyone heard these guys??

    Got another hit on MySpace by this band - Cirrha Niva... According to them, Yuval Kramer (Amaseffer) is on their new CD.. Let me tell ya, love the snippettes they've got posted up on their site... Great stuff!!!!
  18. JenniferLynn

    Upcoming Movies...

    Ok over the last month, I got hit with two trailers for movies I'm just bloody freakin' out over to see.. and both are looking pretty damn good~!!! Underworld - Rise of the Lycans - Prequel to the first flick... And then X Men Origins: Wolverine... There's a different one on...
  19. JenniferLynn

    Dark Quarterer - anyone heard of these guys??

    Got hit up on Myspace by 'em for an add.. From what I heard there - I freakin' LOVE it... Gotta pick up this disc!!!!
  20. JenniferLynn

    Searching for PPUSA Attendee who does metal clothing...

    I spoke with Fabio last night and he's looking to get in touch but can't find the business card given to him in the airport by a woman who makes metal clothing... Does anyone know who she is or if she could shoot me a PM - it would be much appreciated!!!