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  1. Fetzer

    Ok so...

    This board is indeed really dead. I like that.
  2. Fetzer


    Minions, I summon thee!
  3. Fetzer

    Children Of Bodom: Off-Topic

    The subject. Nick want us to make a thread about what we want to change... Guys, be clear. I'll step up later I think, I need some air outside.
  4. Fetzer

    New Generation Of COB???

  5. Fetzer

    A Lesson Is Learned...

    ...But The Damaged Is Irreversible: That's an awesome online "comic" that I've been reading since a good time but now they are on hiatus... tho you can read the archive and in my humble opinion they are just brilliant. I mean, the whole project is just...
  6. Fetzer

    Musical depression

    I want to know if I'm the only one that feels like that. I'm into music since 5-6 years, learning by myself from there and here and I thought I was going good since recently. I mean, when you are learning to play and to do all your stuff alone, you are fucking happy when you "discover" or...
  7. Fetzer


    ...avatar gives me super powers.
  8. Fetzer

    Existential Blues
  9. Fetzer

    Questionable Content

    I felt in love with this web comic: Have fun!
  10. Fetzer

    The "Instant Messaging" Thread

    I KNOW there's been 43496248362836 of these "lol what is your MSN" thread, but here I want it to be official so it will go sticky. Just do as I did, I'll add everyone to the list, in Nicknames Alphabetical order for every years (so new members will be easily found on the list). I just thought...
  11. Fetzer

    That thing does exist?

    OMG THAT'S LIKE... SO AWESOME :zombie:
  12. Fetzer

    GuitarPro Composition

    I want to know if there's other people here who are using GuitarPro as a tool for composition, or maybe something else? I would like to use this thread to share my composition via GuitarPro and to hear what other people did too.
  13. Fetzer


    I got a new HDD. So now my new same-as-I-always-had life can begin = * Main activity: Downloading * Reccording * Creating poetic, clever and kickass nicknames for my MSN * Going on forums. And yeah, I still got the power to create thread. :err:
  14. Fetzer

    Burn that witch!

    What the hell is going on here?
  15. Fetzer

    And time passed again...

    Today is my third year on UM, starting my fourth :kickass: Just wanted to share that deadly adiction with all of you that I like and love so much :blush: And, most important, thank you all for bearing with me :D
  16. Fetzer

    The Anti-Lulz Crew

    Composed of me, Altitudes and Black_Core. We are here to kick your fucking ass :kickass: From now one: *No more funny/ugly pictures. Every picture most at least contain one flower and Chris Hansen. *No more bashing or flaming, you motherfucker ned to start to fucking love each others, ok...
  17. Fetzer


    Ok, I want to say that I'm really tired to be called "idiots" or "COB hater" every fucking time we discuss about something and we aren't on the band or fan side. I mean, yes, I don't like the band as I did some yars ago, I even don't listen to them anymore. Now, why then caring posting on...
  18. Fetzer

    OWNED. Now there's some rock'n'roll going on there :kickass:
  19. Fetzer


    REPORTED!!!!!!!! EDIT: FOR THE HORDES!!!! *Permanently Banned* How many times shall we say that "Trolling" isn't allowed anymore? Now learn from that, too bad he didn't before.
  20. Fetzer

    The 24 Hours Thread

    That's officialy my 24 hours straight or so that I'm in front of the computer. :zombie: I'm totally dying.