Search results

  1. ::XeS::

    Kemper and big producers seems that lot of big producers (Colin, Andy, Michael Wagener but also Audiohammer, Lasse,etc...) now use Kemper to record guitars, is the procedure? I mean...they find the right setup, they profile everything and they record the profiled signal? If so, I can't get the...
  2. ::XeS::

    Building a custom prototype cab

    I've this idea of building custom cabs and I'm actually thinking how to do the prototype. What do you think is better? Build a cab with 4 speakers of the same type (v30's, greenbacks,etc...) or a cab with 4 different speakers? The first one should be good to test in a live situation but the...
  3. ::XeS::

    Need some Mesa 4x12 measurements

    Hi, I need a favour from Mesa 4x12 OS users. What's the exact size (in cm or mm) of this frame? If anyone could do the exact measurements I'll be glad :) Thanks
  4. ::XeS::

    Nero di Marte (recorded by me) launch video with Prosthetic

    This is the launch video of Nero di Marte's song "Convergence" out with Prosthetic Records this month. I recorded the album in the summer of 2011 and finally it's out, fortunately with a big label. This band is amazing and expect much more for the next album...killer songs. Enjoy:
  5. ::XeS::

    Jackson guys out there (or guitar wiring experts)

    Guys, I'm doing a pickups switch for a friend but I got lot of problems that I'm trying to solve. I have to put a 59 and a Distortion on a Jackson DKMG. As I already did lot of times, I immediatey take note of the wirings already in, just in case. The guitars have a 3way selector and the...
  6. ::XeS::

    The best band I ever recorded have signed for Prosthetic records

    Yes, finally the news can be revealed after months of waiting :) Nero di Marte (new name of the band Murder Therapy) have signed for Prosthetic Records. They are absolutely an amazing band and amazing has been a pleasure to record them last year and I'm very psyched that one of...
  7. ::XeS::

    Gojira - Backbone cover

    Today I woke up with an insane desire to record I recorded this little piece of cover...some sloppy playing here and there but I thing it turned out pretty decent.
  8. ::XeS::

    SSL announches new Alphalink MX Seems very nice...unfortunatelly there are 2 versions: 16 in / 4 out or 4 in / 16 out... I think both versions are a little limitative and they you can take advantage from them only if you daisy chain 2 interfaces. If you mainly do...
  9. ::XeS::

    Tuning instruments to the attack or to the sustain?

    I usually tune to sustain because attack note decades very quickly, expecially on heavier strings, where lighter strings have an attack/sustain note way closer. Moreover attack note depends on how hard you play the note with your hand, for example no one tune the strings playing like zakk wylde...
  10. ::XeS::

    YT - Nevermore cover

    This is a cover done by my friend Luca Paolini (ex Criminal Side, MadMaze) with the guest appearence of Sean Worrel (Murder Therapy) at vocals and mixed by me. Guitars were recorded with a 6505 combo plugged into an isobox, drums was midi with Ezx. The goal is to do different covers for...
  11. ::XeS::

    Murder Therapy on Metalsucks again

    A little appearence on a column...there is also a teaser of the new album (recorded by me). They were contacted by several labels but after the first contacts they disappeared (the labels)...a couple of labels were very important. Check the teaser because it's really cool music and the album...
  12. ::XeS:: recording space flooded!!

    Today I received the worst news I can expect at the moment. The radiators of the house where I usually record and where I store lot of my equipment blew and the house is actually flooded. The problem is that the house was isolated because of the big amount of snow of the past weeks. I went...
  13. ::XeS::

    Balanced trs cables for guitar/instruments chain

    Does anyone of you use balanced trs cables to connect pedals or reamp box to amp/pedals? At the moment I have a ground loop problem at my home caused by the Diago Powerstation but when I move the pedal's cables the noise I'm wondering if using grounding cables could clean a little...
  14. ::XeS::

    R.I.P. Whitney Houston

    Such a shame... One of the best voices I've ever heard in my life
  15. ::XeS::

    Dual micing technique: 2 mics/different positions POLL

    Last week I did a shitload of tests with my Marshall 1960a and I think it's interesting to share some of them. I used the Mago DI's and I tried different position for the 2 mics I used, 1 sm57 and 1 ADK S7. The mics were both on axis with the speaker but they aimed different spots on the...
  16. ::XeS::

    6505+ buzz from output transformer

    Today I turned on my amp and I immediately noticed a strange buzz from the output transformer.... a zzzzzzzzzzz in standby mode. It always produced a soft hum when it was powered, but now it's a spiky sound....a weird buzz. What could it be? Is it near its end? :D ....
  17. ::XeS::

    Testing Marshall 1960 speakers

    After 2 years I did another speakers shootout with my Marshall 1960 cab. I have to say the speakers changed a lot their character during these 2 years (even if I haven't used the cab that much, apart some reamp)... Actually I'm trying to decide if I should flip some speaker on top in a better...
  18. ::XeS::

    Murder Therapy's new album (recorded by me) teaser OUT NOW!
  19. ::XeS::

    Problem with Digital Performer files and multiple audio files corrupted that' the problem. A friend of mine gave me a drive with the whole recording session he did in a studio 2 years ago...he simply wants to use the vocal tracks (consolidated) for reharseal purpose. The scenario was: all the Digital Performer session files were seen like Unix executable...
  20. ::XeS::

    Jesus....look at that "Michropone robot"!!