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  1. Statler Waldorf

    Your sound...

  2. Statler Waldorf

    Your sound...

    Hey guys, Have not been on here for awhile, was working with my Pod X3 Live the other night and was just wondering what you guys all used to get your best recorded or live sound, whehter it be guitar, bass, vocals, or drums. So what's your gear setup? Just thought it might be an interesting...
  3. Statler Waldorf

    Discussion Forum? What's that?

    Oh my!! For some reason I was living under the dillusion that a "Discussion Forum" was a virtual or physical place where people can talk about their ideas, beliefs, and viewpoints- opposing or not. This forum has always been walking the line of being over-moderated, but I feel it has crossed...
  4. Statler Waldorf


    Was just curious as to what religious beliefs you guys (and gals) held?
  5. Statler Waldorf

    Quick off topic question

    Hey Guys, I need your guys' to resolve a quick argument for me. I am debating with a friend, who do you guys think is an all around better electric guitar player. Steve Vai or Jimi Hendrix. I know that these threads get old, but I would appreciate some input here because I...
  6. Statler Waldorf

    Why Dream Theater?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering if I am the only one on this forum who thinks DT is severely overrated? The other day I listened to all of their albums, except for Images and Words, looking for what it is that makes them so "special". After close examination I have concluded that I...
  7. Statler Waldorf

    A question about solos

    Hey Guys, I am new to this forum but I had a musical questions for you guys. I have been playing guitar for about seven years but I have just started to work on my scales. Could you guys tell me what scales you like to use and what musical rules and stuff you pay attention to when writing a...