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  1. Feel_The_Force

    Guitar Amps

    Hey there, just wondered what amps you used for the new album, the tone is awesome! I see in some pictures that you have JCM 900's and Mesa Recto's, do you use these combined (Mesa and Marshall creating 1 sound) to create the sound or seperatley?
  2. Feel_The_Force

    Might be old but... MIDGET FIGHT :lol: :lol:
  3. Feel_The_Force

    NEW Megadeth Track! Called Sleepwalker, it's a lot faster than Gears of War, and the riffs and solos are quality!
  4. Feel_The_Force

    Another NEW Megadeth track! Called Sleepwalker, sounds AWESOME, much faster than Gears of War, riffs and solos are QUALITY!
  5. Feel_The_Force

    Pancake Day!

    So yeah, i'm so full right now i can't really walk. I think i had 9 or 10 fully loaded with sugar, maple syrup, bananas, cream and more sugar. Also there were some with chocolate sauce and lemons and more sugar. Anyone else about to explode right now?!
  6. Feel_The_Force

    Favourite Solo

    Everyone say what your favourite Alex Skolnick solo(s) is. For me it simply HAS to be SOULS OF BLACK. The solo in that song is imense, i love it, still can't get over how good it is! A close second would to be The New Order solo, another classic from the shred machine. If you suck at life...
  7. Feel_The_Force

    Destruction - Thrash Anthems

    Anyone heard about this? It looks like a killer album, they are doing what Testament did by re-recording their old songs, also there are 2 new songs on it. - The official site of the german thrash legend ^Clips!!
  8. Feel_The_Force

    New Megadeth Track

    MEGADETH.COM I know there arn't that many Megadeth fans on here, but still see what you think.
  9. Feel_The_Force

    Guess Who's Back...

    Yes, tis me the Englishman of COBOT, i have come back briefly to see what's happening on this forum, last time i looked it was... not so good shall we say. By the way Hi Gonzo!! I'm sure you missed me :lol:
  10. Feel_The_Force


    Who's going? I think i'm going, it's a choice between the Saturday only of Download Festival, or the whole Bloodstock Festival, i think i know which one i'm going to ;)
  11. Feel_The_Force

    Yes, i know i rule!

    My brand new Laney GH50L :D:D:D:D:D:D METAL! Awesome Head No Flash I am in METAL heaven!!
  12. Feel_The_Force

    :O HEX ZOMG!!!11one

    I like Hex... what is HEX???
  13. Feel_The_Force

    The Official Kalmah Sound Thread

    Right there are many threads on this and everyone wants to know and i think i have cracked it! Antti used: 1) Line 6 AX212 2) Custom Jackson Soloist (Lightning Sky Orange) - Alder body - Maple neck - Stock Jackson pickups (h-s-s) (not typical jackson p/u's, very dark sounding according to...
  14. Feel_The_Force

    Winterun = Gay

    Album update and shows cancelled! Hello people! We have to inform you that the last 3 shows which were in Sweden and Norway are not going to happen in the upcoming European tour. Amon Amarth are heading straight from Europe to support Children of Bodom in their American tour and this is...
  15. Feel_The_Force

    I just bought a Laney GH50L!

    :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Brand new, it will be arriving this week and will go with my Marshall 1936 cab. You can't beat a Laney!
  16. Feel_The_Force

    Gay Referee :lol:
  17. Feel_The_Force

    Micheal Angelo doing what he does best. :lol:
  18. Feel_The_Force

    Now Playing

    Testament - Eerie Inhabitants :rock:
  19. Feel_The_Force


    Broke 4 strings in the space of approximatley a day on 2 different guitars:waah:
  20. Feel_The_Force

    lol Dragonforce suck at guitar And here is the proof.